In all aspects of our lives there are risks that are taken and sometimes they work in our favor and other times they work against us. Regardless of the outcome by taking the knowledge acquired from the “risk” you have a new experience to pull from in the future and the ability to use that […]
Look Out! Learn to Plan Ahead and Avoid Pitfalls
Whether you’re doing projects, work at your corporate job or even your retail job, or doing stuff at school for your educational fun and awesomeness, it is very important to learn how to plan for and at least take a real good guess at what could happen so you have the resources you need available […]
40 Reasons You Need to Respect Your Time More
This moment in time will never be able to be reached again. Each passing second is one that can never be gotten back. Because of this, we need to savor every moment that we get and never waste time. Time accelerates as a person ages, which is why people do not gain an appreciation for […]
Making Sense Of Saving Money? How Are You Doing?
This is probably not what you want to hear, but it’s what, as hard for me, and is kind of a summary or a combination of some of the financial guru’s say out there. And it’s not give up your coffee, not give up your Snicker’s bar every other day or whatever, the little bitty […]
42 Tips for Finding True Success in Your Business and Career
True success means that you are able to achieve what you want to achieve. Someone could be successful without having achieved anything. As long as they are happy and measure up to their idea of success, then they are successful. To me personally it means a healthy love life,lots of financial freedom and a healthy […]
All Eyes On You? Are Your YouTube Views Pouring In Yet?
Youtube has changed so much over the past couple of years, it’s really hard to get a grasp on where things are going and the current state. Right now, it feels like there’s not really any community at all and part of the social aspect of it has just gone to the crapper. I know […]
61 Simple Truths to Finding Your Happiness in Life
Ultimate happiness for me would to be able to create something worth standing the test of time. Something that my future if I have kids will be able to look back and say “hey, I need to do better and make my ancestor proud.” Being able to create something like that and it actually its […]
Check Them Out! Learning Body Language For Good
I’m sure you’ve heard of it before in some form or fashion, but words are not the biggest or most important thing that we communicate to other people. As a matter of fact, studies, specifically those done of the Mehrabian nature, show that the actual words you say are only communicating about 9% of the […]
25 Reasons You Need to Claim Your Happiness Now!
Being happy means that you are content with how your life is going. There is typically little to nothing that is bothering you. You probably have a good support system. You most likely have many friends in your life that make you happy. Being happy is important in improving your life. Being upset all the […]