Oh, sometimes I just don’t know how people can put up with this junk. It can really hurt to have the micromanager or annoying coworker that’s always nitpicking and disturbing everything you do. Change that to Tahoma, 12Pt, single spaced. Now. There are times when it seems like you’ve put so much effort and work […]
Are Your Free Time Hobbies Getting You Down? Chunk ‘Em!
So everywhere I looked, I saw Angry Birds this, and Angry Birds that. Yes, I know it’s probably a little old now, but, the point is, I was getting kinda curious. Understand that I don’t really play games, and when I try to, I almost immediately stop because it doesn’t hold my interest or I […]
The 4 Most Embarrassing Mistakes That Keep You Struggling Every Day
We all make mistakes and there’s no better way to learn from things in life. It’s a said thing that that’s how we were made. It would be nice if we could all just read a couple of books and then understand everything we need to know about life. Awww – poor bunny. Cheer up! […]
Daily Positivity Is A Breeze With These 3 Upbeat Commandments
I am not here to give you a lesson on religion or faith. Though, I’d certainly enjoy those conversations. These are commandments of positivity. The next three tips that I will go through with you are about turning your daily efforts into positive outlets for awesomeness. Rainbows and puppy dogs, folks! When you have a […]
The 4 Pieces Of The Happy Life You’ve Been Wanting
You’ve done a puzzle before, right? Let me ask you what you enjoy more. The 500 pieces with the nice pretty picture of what it’s supposed to look like on the front or the 5,000 pieces and the box is missing. Just. One. More. GOT IT! Sometimes, life can really seem like the 5,000 piece […]
Just Hired. Survive Your First Day on the Job and Clear a Path to Success
I remember the first day I started as a government contractor and, man, I want to tell you that was a scary job. I had to go to all kinds of security checks, use my badge at every single door and get all kinds of funny looks from the people that didn’t recognize my new […]
Failure Happens – Overcoming The Loss Of Internal Motivation Is Key
It seems like you can’t do anything right some days, right? No matter how much effort you put into it, no matter how many times you try, and no matter how many people are there to help you, some days just don’t go very well. Uggg – HATE it when this happens. Well, now is […]
4 Tips to Regain Control of Your Mood and Boost Productivity
You know those stupid slumps in life that get us crawling? They tend to get in the way and just bring our productivity completely down to nothing. This usually happens to me when I have 18 different things going on at one time…like mortgage refinance, kids starting school again and trips to see grandma. YOU […]
Worn Down? Stop Working So Hard and Start Working Smarter!
Project after project is piling up on my desk and sometimes it’s really hard to figure out what needs to be focused on. It’s times like that when the whole world feels crazy and I have to remind myself that if I don’t focus on what’s important, I will be wasting my time. Safely equipped; […]