How to get one thousand followers on Instagram because that’s going to make some type of difference in your life and business. If you really wanna have just some magic number of a thousand followers to be following you on the Instragram or the IGram or the IGEEE as if no one one the street. […]
If You Could Dare Yourself To Do Something, What Would It Be?
If you could dare yourself to do something what would it be? Man, why do I keep choosing these hard questions? You know why, because they’re good. They get to the root. They get to the root of your being and existence. And now I’m just stalling. But really, what would you do if you […]
How To Get Off Facebook And Take Back Your Life
I’ve heard many different ways that people have tried to get off Facebook and yeah, you can install one of those programs on your computer that tracks your time and the websites you go to and at the end of the week gives you a rundown of what you’ve done, where you’ve been and how […]
What Advice Would You Give The 15 Year Old You?
Advice would you give the fifteen year old you? Oh boy! That is tough. Now I have to immediately guess that any advice that I would give my fifteen year old you, would revolve around planning for the future and avoiding mistakes. Unfortunately, most of the mistakes I made were related to stuff my parents […]
How To Make $1,000 Dollars Really Fast Online
How to make $1,000 really fast! All you have to do is go over to the web-page I have in the description below, buy the first three $300 products I have on my website that will teach you, in 24-hours or less, how to make $1,000 in the next three days. And you, too, can […]
How To Use Distraction To Let Your Thoughts And Ideas Flow
How to use distraction to let you thoughts and ideas flow. There’s no big secret that, although my videos aren’t great, I hope they provide some value and they tend to flow along pretty easily, hopefully for you the viewer, but definitely for me the “typee”, “viewee”, “recordee”, maker, publisher or whatever. Watch the video […]
When Did You Last Laugh So Much That It Hurt?
When did you last laugh so much that it hurt? These are hard instances to remember, but it usually boils down to either one, my kids just say something so funny or two, I’m around my family. I love them and we don’t tell jokes, we just impromptu silliness and it’s just bust out loud. […]
How To Waste A Ton Of Money And Frustration On A Crappy Credit Card Processor
You got any type of online store or do anything online, you’re probably either on the fence about making the jump to accepting credit cards because you’ve just been doing PayPal or whatever for so long, or you’re there and you know exactly what I’m talking about, and that is touching anything to do with […]
How Not To Be Scared Of Making Youtube Videos
You want to know the secret? Just don’t be scared. OK, OK, really and truly, there are a couple ways to do this to where you can just film and be yourself and be as goofy as you want to be and not even worry about it. The first thing you need to do is […]