This means forcing yourself to work and realize that you gain nothing from procrastinating. YOu only prolong the inevitable and potentially waste time. For example, instead of studying, your browse the internet can really cut into your sleep time and maybe even your studying time.
Removing distraction is the most important part of overcoming procrastination. Most work today is done on a computer, and there is so much online to distract us. This is a huge problem for me, and I have gone as far as having a friend change my password on social networking sites so I can’t access them when I have a lot of work that needs done.
It’s time to get down to the raw, honest, and real-deal nitty-gritty on this topic. I got with quite a few passionate people interested in sharing their ideas with you and this article is an interview-style approach to helping you regain control of your time.
Topic at Hand: Overcoming Procrastination
[This article is part of the research done for the book: “Push the Damn Button” a straight-forward guide to getting off your butt and getting goals done – click here to check it out.]
R: To you, what are some of the biggest benefits usually associated with this topic?
I: Procrastination is a habit in which a person postpones an activity, assignments, agendas or routines due to laziness or carelessness. When I was in college, I used to procrastinate all the time. Most of the failed projects I had were made out of cramming and giving a little time and effort. I regret about it because if I have put my 100% effort and eliminate the habit of procrastination for all the projects I had during that time, then I would have had graduated with honors.
R: Assume the change from this subject is super-important, how could it help someone change their life?
I: Waiting and timing are important to achieving success. In contrast, procrastination is never a trait that supports success. Whenever a person finds himself or herself wanting to avoid taking action, the question to pose is whether it’s a rational delay or procrastination. If it’s procrastination, the right answer is to take action. Procrastination makes many people less happy and successful, and identifying when you are indeed procrastinating will make life better for you and the people around you.
R: I think everyone wants to be a better person – can you tell us how this topic relates?
I: If you are a procrastinator, and you learn about overcoming procrastination, your life will change for the better. Learning to not procrastinate leaves you more free time and less stress. It’s hard for people not to procrastinate, so if you master being able not to, it will do nothing but positive things for your lifestyle.
R: Describe the perfect person that is a shining example of this topic, in your opinion.
I: College students are good at learning how to overcome procrastination. In college, a student learns quickly, possibly from experience that procrastination has a negative effect on grades. So college students are good at understanding why it is important to leave plenty of time to complete assigned work. Learning to work diligently is one of the reasons to attend college.
R: Tell me who in your personal experience is not up-to-speed on this subject at all.
I: It can be difficult for students to overcome procrastination. With so many things on their schedules, time for work is often pushed to the back burner. Even students can do better at this with practice, though.
R: How do you bring this topic into your life?
I: Search for it on the internet. Take it step by step instead of diving right in. Read a few minutes about it for several days. Because the person is already a procrastinator, you want to present the information to them so that they will actually learn it and follow it. Let them take it slowly and then they will do it.
R: What parts of the daily routine are best for making this subject more useful?
I: It is important to discuss overcoming procrastination when a person creates more stress in their life by procrastinating. This can, and often does, occur during the college-aged years of one’s life. Therefore, a good time to discuss this is during high school.
R: Tell me about an inappropriate time to bring up this topic or use it in life?
I: It’s not going to be a bad idea to overcome procrastination. Putting things off hurts success in all fields. If anyone can overcome the tendency to do this they should try.
R: Is there at least one place you can think of that people should consider bringing this into their daily lives?
I: It is best to set yourself up with success by having a focused and clean environment. Don’t spend too much time setting up your space. Consider giving yourself breaks as you make progress on a task you have been procrastinating.
R: Where is this subject considered inappropriate for practice or use, in your opinion?
I: Procrastination is completely normal and should not be feared. Take breaks while doing stuff. It allows you to break the monotony of a task and get back in the mood of doing it. Go outside and get some fresh air, then go back to your task. Tackle it little by little and it will be done. Tackling it all at once can be overwhelming.
R: Describe the type of person who will get the most out of this?
I: Every person can benefit from a better understanding of overcoming procrastination, however I believe that students at a college level can benefit the most. Many students are trying to balance fun and study and most put more time into the fun category. Which leads to stress from procrastinating projects, papers, etc and in reality reduces the overall quality of their lives.
R: How would you recommend people get started on this topic?
I: In order to overcome procrastination one must force themselves into action, regardless of how small the action may seem. Also, creating a list that breaks the task down into smaller tasks will help one stay on track and continue through the greater task. The final way to overcome procrastination is to remove any distractions such as television, the internet, and cellphones.
R: What is the absolutely most dangerous and bad thing someone should stay away from related to this topic?
I: People should avoid letting themselves get roped into a mental argument with themselves when trying to overcome procrastination. For example, if they start thinking, “Well, maybe I can do this first, and then I’ll do that thing I’m supposed to,” then they can effectively trick themselves into believing it’s a good idea to put it off. However, the truth is they just want to put it off. Instead of ever allowing themself to start this sort of conversation with themself, they should immediately start performing whatever the desired task is when they think of it without even the pretense of planning other events.
R: What’s the very next step someone should take to learn more about this topic?
I: In order to overcome procrastination, allow yourself a bit of it. If a task feels daunting, do just a bit of it and then allow yourself a planned break and a treat. Go back and do a bit more. You might find that you want to keep going or you might need more planned breaks that will satisfy your need to procrastinate without sabotaging your task.
Come on now! Aren’t you fired up and ready to get more done in life? There’s at least one golden pearl of wisdom (or is that nugget of pearl?) to take away. See how you can apply it to your life today and start getting more stuff done. There’s just ain’t enough time to dilly-dally, folks!
It’s time to get off that chair, get your butt pumped, and get more important stuff done in life! It’s time to Push The Damn Button already. Click here to regain control of the minutes floating away from your life.
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