Learning through trial and error means that you must make mistakes before you can reach your final destination. In science, if your experiment fails, you try and try again until it proves your hypothesis. A person must fail before they are able to truly learn anything.
Trial and error allows us to learn through our mistakes. It is our most important learning process . Without it all other learning stops because someone has to learn what ever idea there is first. Learning by mistakes brings about the change needed in society .
It’s time to get down to the raw, honest, and real-deal nitty-gritty on this topic. I got with quite a few passionate people interested in sharing their ideas with you and this article is an interview-style approach to helping you regain control of your time.
Topic at Hand: Learning Through Trial And Error
[This article is part of the research done for the book: “Push the Damn Button” a straight-forward guide to getting off your butt and getting goals done – click here to check it out.]
R: Why would anyone really want to pay attention to this subject?
I: You are able to practice patience. Through trial and error you have to be patient to get the outcome you are looking for. The reward is greater than the time that you had to put into it, and you will feel the feeling of accomplishment when your work has paid off, and a solution has been discovered.
R: What is the biggest, life-changing thing that could come from this topic?
I: Trial and error is the beginning learning stage for everyone. Trial and error allows you to try new things . It also allows you to learn how to do things the wrong way as Ben Franklin pointed out. Even if you fail you have learned something.
R: Could this topic help regular people like me and you be better at what we do?
I: The more failures the more chance for success. The best way to learn something is through first-hand experience, trial and error give the opportunity. A person will be less afraid of failure.
R: Describe the perfect person that is a shining example of this topic, in your opinion.
I: You’re looking at them. All workers went through many trial and error sessions before finding success. This goes beyond workers to nearly every living person on this planet. And animals as we’ll. Wouldn’t you agree that evolution is a glorified example of trial and error on a primordial level?
R: If you had to pick who’s the worst at this subject, who would it be?
I: A type of person who is not good at learning through trial and error is a person who is bad at cooking. If the person tries many different dishes and cannot seem to make anything good, the person is not learning. The person might want to learn from another person, rather than just trying to figure it out themselves. Some types of cooks cannot learn through trial and error, and this is evident if their cooking is poor and they don’t ask for help.
R: Can you tell us what it’s like to have this subject in your life?
I: If someone is new to the idea of learning through trial and error, they should be shown how trial and error are in everyday life. I am sure most of us have experienced trial and error, but some may not be familiar with the terms. Once we point out what trial and error is, we are able to extract examples from people’s lives to aid in their understanding of life.
R: When do you think new folks should get into this topic?
I: Not everything is easily diagnosed. Fixing a car is one such situation. One way to try and identify the cause of a car problem is to work through where you think the problem is to where you think it is not. By experimenting you are checking off one by one where the problem is not until you finally find where it is. Trial and error is a proven problem solving technique which, while slow, is very effective.
R: Give me an example of a bad time to dive deeper into this subject, please.
I: When they do not have a lot of time to figure something out. Trial and error can take a long time, and if they do not have unlimited time, there is the chance that a deadline will be missed. Trial and error can sometimes be unreliable, if you never find the solution.
R: Where’s the best place someone can bring this topic into their life?
I: People should be taught how to start their own small businesses, but only ones with very low startup cost. An example might be listing your services on craigslist. Starting your own business, failing, and trying new ideas is a great way to learn trial and error in a practical manner. Make sure initial investment required is low, however, you don’t want people to lose their life savings in the process.
R: Give an example of where folks should not be working on this subject.
I: Trial and error is a fundamental method of solving problems. It is characterized by repeated, varied attempts which are continued until success, or until the agent stops trying. It is an unsystematic method which does not employ insight, theory or organized methodology.
R: Describe the type of person who will get the most out of this?
I: I believe a basketball team could learn through trial and error. I think this because players need to develop certain instincts during game-play, and the only way they can learn and develop these is by making initial mistakes. They can also see which plays or line-ups work most effectively, since paper and pencil are often not the best indicators of team success, one has to actually see how the on-court chemistry works by trial and error.
R: What would you tell the readers to do if they wanted to get help with this topic soon?
I: Sometimes we cannot predict what will happen in life, so we must try it for ourselves. We must put ourselves in these situations to see the results. Mistakes will be made, for that is inevitable. However, through those mistakes come knowledge and greater years ahead.
R: This topic has many sides� what are some sides folks out there should avoid?
I: Avoid making the same error repeatedly. Many environments will tolerate an occasional error as you are learning, but making the same error repeatedly can cause others to become frustrated and upset. Also avoid attempting several new techniques simultaneously. If you apply several new techniques and fail, you cannot be certain which of the new techniques caused the problem. You also cannot be sure that none of the techniques you tried are effective, only that they do not work in concert. While it is possible to learn by changing multiple factors at once, it tends to lead to more errors before achieving success, so it should be avoided if possible.
R: What would you recommend folks do today to work on this topic at hand?
I: Learning through trial and error isn’t exactly as easy as it sounds. It seems quite straightforward, but often people will give up after a single attempt, or attempt the same thing multiple times expecting different results. To better understand how to learn through trial and error, one should make use of the technique on repetitive tasks and on tasks of varying difficulty. They should also keep very clear in their mind that they are working on a process of successive refinement, so as to ensure trial and error is taking place.
Come on now! Aren’t you fired up and ready to get more done in life? There’s at least one golden pearl of wisdom (or is that nugget of pearl?) to take away. See how you can apply it to your life today and start getting more stuff done. There’s just ain’t enough time to dilly-dally, folks!
It’s time to get off that chair, get your butt pumped, and get more important stuff done in life! It’s time to Push The Damn Button already. Click here to regain control of the minutes floating away from your life.
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