Ahhh – relaxed, meditating, and soaking in the rays of ultimate understanding.
Personality types are as different as people are unique. Maybe this is why I find myself watching people, trying to understand what drives them.
However, a few minutes of observation isn’t going to help me understand the people around me or myself. Discovering my personality type, though, may just give me the insight I need.
A personality type test doesn’t take long and is designed to help you understand yourself better. After all, if you truly know who you are and what you really want in life you can set realistic goals for yourself.
Knowing your weaknesses and strengths let’s you know what you need to work on to grow as an individual. In fact, understanding your personality type can help you in more than just personal growth.
A personality type test just may hold the key to the mystery that is you.
Strength Overcoming Weaknesses
We all have our strengths, weaknesses, quirks, pet peeves and bad habits. However, we don’t always recognize them. Ironically, understanding these personality traits is the key to personal growth, to using our strengths to overcome our weaknesses.
Of course, discovering your personality type doesn’t mean you’ll instantly kick those bad habits or overcome what you consider a weakness. Nothing in life is that easy. A personality type test does give you a place to start.
As you read the description of your personality type, chances are you’ll notice traits you never realized you have. You’ll also become more self-aware. From there, you can identify the areas of your life you feel need work and use your strengths to empower you while overcoming your weaknesses.
Before you know it, you’ll have the tools to achieve balance within your life and complete goals you set for yourself.
Romance, Friendships and Family

“Oh honey, you skinny tie is so cute… I love you!”
Relationships are a part of life we can’t avoid. We may want to sometimes, especially when there’s a lot of conflict. However, we are social creatures, even the most introverted of us needing some social interaction. This doesn’t mean you just have to accept stress and conflict. The more you learn more about personality types, the more you’ll understand yourself, the people in your life and how to work with them.
For instance, if you discover your spouse has an aversion to conflict you know aggressively approaching your spouse about a problem will solve nothing. Understanding your children’s personality types will help strengthen your relationship with them. You’ll also realize how to guide them rather than trying to force them.
In short, the more you understand yourself and the people in your life, the stronger your relationships will grow.
Career versus Job
Everyone dreams about that ideal career, but sometimes the dream becomes smoke when we reach for it. You may find the reason in your personality type.
Once you understand yourself and what drives you, you will have a better idea of just what your dream career really is. In fact, you can match your personality, your strengths, your skills and your likes to find the ideal career for you.
Once you achieve your dream career you generally want to work your way up to the top. Knowing your personality type comes in handy here, your strengths the ticket to achieving your career goals.
Before you know it, you’ll have balance, peace and success in your life and career. All of that starts with a single test and the first step toward truly knowing yourself.
If you’d like to dive deeper into discovering your personality, I suggest taking one of the personality tests on this site:
- Simple and Fun: Bird Personality Test
- Detailed and Involved: Jungian Types Test