Do you really know what your personality type is? Do you know what personality even means? Don’t worry, most don’t know the clinical definition of it, but they do have a pretty good understanding of the general idea. After all, we’re all pretty close to ourselves, right?

Very funny, McMister-fancy-pants.
Looking much deeper into what makes us tick can make the difference between going through life as a zombie and living life on purpose. Obviously, you want to live a highly purposeful life and make the most positive change in the world. No better way to get started than to really figure out why your personality is important to you!
I created a survey and polled several hundred people about personalities and how this interesting topic affects their lives. What follows is their raw, personal, and highly enlightening experiences, opinions, and feelings. I did clean up the language a bit where it was needed, but the survey results here are about as blunt as can be. I’m hoping they’ll help you see just how important personality is in your life.
Survey Question:
What about your personality is most important to you? Why?
Survey Answers:
- My spiritual faith has grown to become the most important aspect about me. Ever since I was saved; being a follower of the way; that is of Christ Jesus, it has changed my life for the better. Most all of my daily activities now reflect this.
- The most important thing about my personality is my passion. Because I am a very passionate person it gives me a drive to press forward in times of uncertainty and in times of change.Being very passionate also shows people that I really care when I am speaking to them or about the subject that we are talking about. If I did not have passion for things then I wouldn’t have any focus or drive to make my life or my family’s life better.
- The creative strike I have is the most important to me. Ever since I was a child, I loved stories and words, and I wanted to be a writer. I have become a novelist and won a couple awards for my works. That tells me I do have a gift and am a decent writer. And that is the most important part of my personality. If I was to lose it, I would be a walking corpse.
- The aspects of my personality that relate to how I deal with people, and how I deal with my own issues and obstacles in life is most important to me. I realize I’m able to improve the way I handle stress in my life, and knowing how I react to certain events or obstacles, which would either cause me good or bad stress, is important.Knowing these aspects helps me know more about myself, therefore allows me to more efficiently and effectively improve myself throughout a somewhat long period of time. Improving myself in social situations is important because I would be dealing with a lot of different people in my life. I would want to avoid mistakes, bad behaviors, and bad habits.
- It’s important that I am always able to relate to people. It works on a lot of levels in my life. It is something that helps me in my romantic life, being able to show compassion for all of my fiancé’s problems. It helps me in my career as everyone I come across I know I will find a way to help them in some form. It even helps me just in my day to day to be able to communicate with the people I meet on a more personal level
- I think that me being a caring person is most important to me. If you care about others and yourself, it just leads to a happier life. When you really care about things, your life has more meaning, and you have better relationships.
- The thing about my personality that I think is most important to me at this stage of the game is my ability to look at myself and judge whether I’m thinking wrong or right, you know, like fairly in certain instances.I like the fact that I am a pleasant person and I like to think that I can get along with anyone but, in reality if you act like Mother Theresa, you will have haters. I like the fact that I am a teachable person and not rigid in my thinking.
- The most important part of my personality is my open mindedness and my tolerance towards things that are different. I was raised in a family who said rude things about people who were not white Americans. That always struck me as wrong and I think it really had a lot to do with how open minded and tolerant of different people and things I have become.It makes me stand up for what I think is right when I see or hear others being made fun of or mistreated. That part of my personality is something I am trying to pass on to my children. Being open minded and tolerant makes for a much more pleasant person to hang around and leads to really interesting experiences that I would not have had the pleasure of experiencing. It also led me to marry my husband, who is not a white American.
- My most important personality trait is my compassion. I am very empathetic or sympathetic to understanding other people and their situations. I enjoy being able to help other people by being able to put myself in their shoes and try to give advice when asked or when it is possible.
- The best thing about my personality is my seemingly unquenchable interest. I always find new things that I like and want to do. It also means that I have a lot of tricks up my sleeves to keep my three little ones entertained.
- The most important part of my personality, to me, is my relaxed nature. I don’t worry and stress about things like most people do. I’m more calm and focused on things I can control than worrying about things I can’t do anything about. Life is too short to always worry!
- My hard working attitude. This lets me accomplish my goals by setting clear paths to follow. My discipline also helps me stay on the correct paths and achieve what I want in life.
- I like that I’m stubborn. I take a great satisfaction from looking back at my life and thinking about all of the times that I could have given up — but I didn’t. I feel like, in the absence of any other redeeming feature, just persisting is going to keep me going.
- The most important aspect of my personality is my adaptability. With ease I can talk to a wide variety of people in various situations and not come out looking like a fool. I think this is one of the reasons I am well liked by most people.
- My kindness. No matter what else I am or am not I want to be kind. I believe that as long as I hold kindness in my heart the rest doesn’t matter. Others may not see it because of how I act or how I treat them but as long as I know that I’m the type of person who is too kind to hurt another I can accept myself, my shortcomings, and what other people think of me.I don’t mean just being nice on the surface. I might even be mean on the surface. But I want to know that if someone digs deep down into the core of my soul, no matter what they expect, they will find a kind, gentle, and harmless spirit that loves them unconditionally.
- I like that I’m compassionate. I care for everyone. This doesn’t just include people. It includes animals too.
- I like that I am trusting and loyal. Some people have said that I’m both of those to a fault, but I’d rather trust in the goodness of people rather than always be suspicious of motives and fearful of getting hurt. It takes a lot to lose my faith in someone, and I am proud of that.I have raised my kids to never assume they know what is in the hearts of people. You may have encountered someone on the worst day of their life and you should give them the benefit of the doubt. I am not a doormat, though. I think I have a good idea of what makes people tick and I can spot a liar very easily.
- I would have to say my trustworthiness is something that I put a lot of effort in. I like it when people trust me and rely on me. This is because my relationship with people become stronger and closer.
- My sense of humor is something that I think is important to me. It’s something I use to get myself through things even when things are really tough to deal with. I make it a point to use humor to attract other people to me as well.
- The most important aspects of my personality are probably my people skills. I’m very outgoing and social and am the kind of person that enjoys interacting and being around people. This helps me fit in in many situations both professional and personal.
- I’d say the part of my personality that is most important to me is my openness. The fact that I’m open to both new experiences and new people allows me to find out more things about others, and about myself. Without that openness I wouldn’t know as much about the rest of my personality, or have as many opportunities to express it.
- I think the most important aspect of my personality is my protective nature. Once I consider you a friend, I’ll bend over backwards to take care of you. This is a very important part of who I am because it’s a huge part of how I identify myself.
- The most important part of my personality is that it is uniquely my own. So many different factors in life such as parents, friends, and experiences have made it what it is today. That is important to me because I like to believe that there is one thing special about me that no one in the world can take away from me and that would be how I react to things, learn things, feel things, etc.
- Loyalty and sense of humor. The ability to take care of the people that are important to me is vital to my personal happiness. At the same time laughter is the best medicine and I provide it in bunches.
- My creativity. I’ve always been involved in the arts, but it’s been extremely important to me as I’ve gotten older to continue to allow that aspect of myself to shine through in almost everything I do. That keeps me happy and mentally healthy, because I don’t feel as if I’m restricted into a tight cage when I’m able to express myself and my emotions creatively.It’s also allowed me to take a better prospective at life and look at everything as more of an adventure, knowing good or bad it’s not going to last forever, and I take it as it comes knowing whatever I’m going through won’t happen again and make the best of it. It’s sort of like being in a story, only you’re living it.
How do you think you can apply these personal insights into the personalities and opinions of other folks out there just like you? Please share your thoughts below.
Also, consider checking out the DOPE Bird Personality Test (Click Here) and the Jung Personality Test (Click Here) to figure out how important your personality is in your life.