Could your life be a bit more meaningful? How about your career, relationships, or just plain old success? Understanding your personality is one of the number one things you can do to ensure you get much more out of life and you know this. But why is it that so few people actually do the work to figure it out?

Go get it girl!
A few personality tests, a little bit of practice, and a whole lot of introspection is all it takes to get light-years ahead in the “know thyself” arena. Where do you fit in getting a better understanding of how your personality helps you gain in life? There’s probably some room to grow and I want to share some experiences with you.
I created a survey and polled several hundred people about personalities and how this interesting topic affects their lives. What follows is their raw, personal, and highly enlightening experiences, opinions, and feelings. I did clean up the language a bit where it was needed, but the survey results here are about as blunt as can be. I’m hoping they’ll help you see just how important personality is in your life.
Survey Question:
How could finding out more about your personality help you in life?
Survey Answers:
- Because I know that I am a hard-working, sociable person, I know that I can succeed in life if I choose a profession that complements my personality. By understanding that, I can strive for something that fits me. My personality can then help me find a partner, job, etc.
- I sometimes wonder what my motivations are in life. I think of myself as calm and rational, and most people comment on how I am unfazed by problems, and yet sometimes I make the worst decisions. I married a girl too quickly and paid the price when she cheated on me. I purchased 2 cars that I couldn’t afford.When I do these things I am ashamed and promise not to do these things again, but I know that I don’t understand myself well enough to avoid them all the time. I think if I could get a better grasp of my personality it would help me to keep from falling in these holes.
- By telling me more about who I actually am as a human being. I may believe that I’m a compassionate, enthusiastic go-getter, but maybe its because I’m not truly seeing myself as others see me. An impartial empirical assessment of my personality would allow me to better view my true self and allow me to improve on aspects of my personality that need improvement.
- I might be able to understand more on why I react the way I do in certain situations. Then be able to adjust those reactions accordingly. Also It might serve to curb some fears that are really not valid.
- You would know more about yourself, and thus understand yourself. This means you will become a generally happier person who is more satisfied with life. This will lead to a more fruitful and fulfilling lifestyle.
- Everyone needs self-awareness. If you don’t know what motivates you and why you do the things you do, you are destined to make the same mistakes over and over again. Learning more about your personality tells you more about how your learn and how you approach problems.It may shed light on why you have difficulties in a certain area or where you should devote your energies when looking for a job or a partner in life. You can’t fix what you don’t know is broken, so learning all you can about your personality type is a good start.
- Finding out more about my personality would help me realize if there is actually something going wrong with me. I have panic attack and breakdown to a point to where I feel like I’m a crazy person. I had a challenging family growing up and an ex-boyfriend who used and abused me. I would just like to know more about my personality so I can know why I do the things I do.
- It would help me look at myself from another perspective, something that’s often very hard to do. Anyone can justify and rationalize their own deeds, but without the input of others you won’t know how much your actions are guided by sensitivity or awareness. And sometimes people are just wrong about themselves.If someone told you about a person and at the end when you were thinking, “Wow that guy’s some kind of jerk I hope I’m never like that.”, the person tells you that they were describing you. You might not like it but that can help you change and become the person you want to others to see.Our personality is with us every day and as people get used to that they can start to become blinded to it. Sometimes you need someone or something to tell you that you tend to forget to take your ****hat off.
- I think it helps to make me aware of how and why I am reacting in certain ways. If I know why and how I can see where this causes trouble for me and adjust. It allows more control of situations and other people.
- When I took a personality test, it had helped me tremendously to understand that certain qualities I had were not character flaws I was supposed to fight but something warranted by my personality type. For example, I am introverted, quiet, and shy. It was such a relief to know that, contrary what my mother had always said, I did NOT have to force myself to be more lively, more social, etc.
- Finding out as much as possible about my own personality has been very helpful to me in my life. More is revealed as I continue to get older, it just isn’t as dramatic as it was when I was, say, in my 20’s. For instance, I know now that I have to be careful that I don’t try to do too much, because I end up getting burned out, sick, tired, or angry. It has been very helpful to learn this about myself.
- Getting to know more about my personality would be helpful because I would be able to know more about how I would respond to situations and I would be prepared for them and be able to work on that. Also I’d be able to work on the negative aspects so they would be less negative and not impact my life. It’d make things like my relationships and friendships easier.
- Knowing more about my personality could be a huge asset in life. I’d understand why certain things irritate me, and why I enjoy other things. I’d be better able to choose activities to pursue and might be able to improve my relationships with other people.
- Knowing about our personality helps us become capable in finding the right job for us. It allows us to form and keep better relationships with people. It also ensures that we make less mistakes when it comes to doing everyday important tasks.
- Finding out about my personality helps me when I correct, or at least improve on my flaws. As I make corrections to my personality, it makes me a happier person. In my case, I have come to realize that I seem to be more opinionated than I had acknowledged.As I come to understand that I don’t have to voice my opinions, I understand that it often makes for a better lifestyle as I develop more of a “live and let live” attitude. I look at it like a puzzle of myself and I’m trying to put the pieces of my personality together, and getting rid of the pieces that don’t even belong in the puzzle.
- Finding out more about my personality can help me in life by giving me a direction. If I know my personality type then I am more liable to make better decision concerning job choices, relationships, and friendships. Knowing your personality will save a lot of trouble in the long run when it comes to interacting with different people. When you find out more about your personality you also learn how to conduct yourself in different situations and circumstances.
- It would help me in life because I could find out how other people view me. Even though what others think should not be very important, it is for the right people. I could learn more about myself and see if I need to improve anything about myself.
- Finding out more about one’s own personality can help anyone have a better life. You can better understand what types of jobs and activities you will have affinity with. If you understand your own personality, you are more likely to pick companions that you have more in common with, and / or get along better with.If you know your own personality, you can make easier judgments upon what is acceptable or unacceptable to you and draw boundaries for your life. You are more likely to be satisfied with and understand the things that go on in your life. You will be more able to accept risk to gain greater reward for your life, or possibly not attempt the things that you cannot become comfortable with.
- It can help you figure out the best methods to approach in different circumstances. I’m a firm believer in astrology and I know that by understanding the points of my personality that fall in line with Virgo, I’ve been able to use that information to get suggestions on how to handle day to day situations.It gives me prospective so that I can be a better person and I’m not constantly stressing myself out by trying to react as I should, but allowing myself to act as is appropriate for me. Knowing more about your own personality can also help you have more self-respect and esteem.
- It would show me some areas where I want to grow in. It could set me on a fast track to a good job that I like. In judging looking for that special someone, it would help me know what kind of person I don’t want to be with.
- I am not always aware of how my demeanor or comments affect others. I don’t even think about it until something results from my behavior, good or bad. By that I mean a response, good or bad.Knowing more about my own personality might help me be more effective at work particularly in group projects. I know some obnoxious people who have no idea of how offensive they can be until I tell them to stop. I doubt people can change their ways much but it would be useful to know more about myself.
- Knowing more about my personality would help me be more successful in my life and attaining my goals. It would help me work thru the aspects that give me challenges and zero in on the better aspects to help me achieve my goals in life. I feel like then I could progress thru life’s up and downs smoother.
- Discovering more about my personality could help me in a number of ways. If a person is able to understand certain flaws and positive qualities, they can utilize them to their advantage. For example, if a person discovers over time that they have a short temper, they could choose to not put themselves in certain situations where this negative personality trait would be seen. If you know why you do the things you do, then you can work with it more, instead of it working against you.
- It would help you know what your flaws are so that you can fix them. If you don’t know what to fix, then there is no way it will ever get fixed. You could also know what your strengths and weaknesses are and work on honing those.
- I think that if I learn more about myself that would help me find a career. I have never been able to figure out what kind of career I want to go into. The main reason is that I have no idea what would excite me day in and day out.
How do you think you can apply these personal insights into the personalities and opinions of other folks out there just like you? Please share your thoughts below.
Also, consider checking out the DOPE Bird Personality Test (Click Here) and the Jung Personality Test (Click Here) to figure out how important your personality is in your life.