“When you wake up in the morning at a quarter to five and you just can’t wait to come alive, You brush your teeth ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch….” – Raffi Besides the occasional slow day, how often do you forget to brush your teeth? How about comb your hair? Take a […]
Is Self Help the Right Thing for You Right Now?
You go through different stages in life. You start out wondering if someone is going to feed you on a regular basis. Then, you gain some words and start wondering how far you can go before someone tells you to shush. Shortly after, you’re zipping around in a car and there are no adults in […]
Why Exercises are Important for Self-Growth
It was the summer of 1995 when I won the world championship weight-lifting challenge. Granted, I was in a middle-range weight class, but I did it none-the-less. And can you guess the best part of the whole thing? I didn’t work out a single day of my life prior to the competition. Yup, not even […]
What Do You Want Out of Change?
Have you ever been to a science or fine arts museum? There are displays and things to look at around every corner. Some really strike a chord with you and some just bounce off. No biggie, right? You wouldn’t expect everything in there to tickle your fancy. But you would consider it a good day […]
Want to Know Why Personal Change is Simple?
I’ve learned a lot about writing over the past few years (enough to know I still have a long way to go). Paying special attention to writer’s block has turned up a wonderful piece of advice. Something scary enough to stop professional writers dead in their tracks deserves some attention. Something they might be able […]
What’s Your Approach to Self Help?
I’ve gone through my fair share of self-development advice books. There is a ton of great stuff out there and I’ll recommend them as I come across them. But, with a large library of resources to fall back on or into, I really began to notice some differences. Some self-improvement methods just seem to strike […]
Exposing the Learning Curve is for Free (01/24 to 01/26)
I recently enrolled Exposing the Learning Curve into Amazon’s Kindle Select program. Not sure how awesome the Select program is, but it did come with a nice bonus. The ability to give my book away for free! Well, for a total of 5 days in 3 months, anyway. I’m throwing my last 3 Promotion days […]
Your Future Is Slipping Away – Regain Control Now!
At any given moment, do you know what is going to happen 5 minutes from now? How about a week? Month? Year? 5? 10? Now, you may have a pretty good guess at what is coming your way, but can you say with certainty what is going to happen? Probably not. There are an infinite […]
Looking Back, Missed Opportunities Will Be Your Biggest Regrets
Knowing what I know now, I could have done so much more when I was younger. It’s a shame, that almost limitless energy and passion I didn’t use when I was in college. That time I spent playing games late at night when I could have played toward my goals. Or those even earlier years […]