Back in my college years, I remember spending a lot of time trying to find the right place to study. I tried the food-court and that was a big mistake. I tried the grass in the reflecting pool area and all I got were ant bites. I even tried the library only to find out […]
Why You Need to Work On Your Strengths & Weaknesses, Or Fail
Ready to go on a strengths and weaknesses finding adventure? Grab your snacks, your drinks, your walking shoes, and let’s go. You’re in the middle of a thick forest and you have what you have – everything you need, for sure. Except for your destination. There are some situations where no amount of preparation can […]
Patterns Hold a Key to Your Self-Growth
It takes more than a few self-help, leadership, parenting, and entrepreneur books to see a pattern. But patterns do show when you get into the thick of it all. I’ve been through hundreds of these types of books just in the last few years. Let me tell you, the outline of the “Life Story” is […]
How to be Your Own Life Engineer
Look to the sky. See any clouds? What do you think they’re made of? Air, condensation, dust, magic, and unicorns? Chances are you’ve never checked for yourself. You had to rely on the research of someone else. And you’re perfectly fine with that. But what in the credibility arena did it for you? Was it […]
Reward Yourself for Thinking
I’ve seen plenty of advice that says it’s good to write down your thoughts into a journal. However, I never took it seriously in the past. I only had a pocket-journal that didn’t do much of anything other than take up some space. Then I picked up a fancy case bound journal – the paper […]
When is Habit Forming Good for You?
“When you wake up in the morning at a quarter to five and you just can’t wait to come alive, You brush your teeth ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch….” – Raffi Besides the occasional slow day, how often do you forget to brush your teeth? How about comb your hair? Take a […]
Is Self Help the Right Thing for You Right Now?
You go through different stages in life. You start out wondering if someone is going to feed you on a regular basis. Then, you gain some words and start wondering how far you can go before someone tells you to shush. Shortly after, you’re zipping around in a car and there are no adults in […]
Why Exercises are Important for Self-Growth
It was the summer of 1995 when I won the world championship weight-lifting challenge. Granted, I was in a middle-range weight class, but I did it none-the-less. And can you guess the best part of the whole thing? I didn’t work out a single day of my life prior to the competition. Yup, not even […]
What Do You Want Out of Change?
Have you ever been to a science or fine arts museum? There are displays and things to look at around every corner. Some really strike a chord with you and some just bounce off. No biggie, right? You wouldn’t expect everything in there to tickle your fancy. But you would consider it a good day […]