Ever get the desire to just pump yourself up for no reason at all other than to feel awesome? I do. And I hope you will, too. You’re awesome and let me count the ways. You’re Awesome At Work You help others get the job done You change the world by providing a service You […]
My Cancer Story – The Choice that Comes with a Second Chance
This is a story about a regular guy, with some irregular news. This is a story about finding the motivation to do what you were designed to do. This is my cancer survival story. A Different Class “See you later mom. Love you!” I had an Electronics Circuits class to be at in an hour, […]
32 Famous People Failures to Boost Your Confidence
There’s just something about reading over the failures of famous people that gives me a real boost. Not because they failed, but because they kept going. They faced those road-bumps head-on and just kept on truckin’. They were just regular folks like you and me until they beat their obstacles. That’s the kind of thinking […]
How Much is an Hour of Your Life Worth?
I’ve been reading and thinking a lot about money here lately. Something I don’t think anyone can truly ever put out-of-mind, but definitely something most folks should probably seek more education in. I know I’ve lagged (big time) in getting up-to-speed, money-knowledge-wise. No time to start like the present! It’s a good thing there are […]
Take a Peek Inside My New Book, Unleash Your Strengths
I haven’t been making a big stink about it… but my next book is REAL close to coming to life. Okay that’s not entirely true. Every time I finish a major milestone I tweet an update and link an awesome dancing video. You have to celebrate the wins, you know? Oh what the heck… let’s […]
Eat That Frog! How You Can Get the Big Stuff Done
I read Brian Tracy’s fun book “Eat That Frog!” not too long ago and I got a ton of great tips out of it. You know how I love to share these things. So here goes! This is a quick run-through of the main things I learned from this book. Check it out. Notes on: […]
Calm Down in the Lord, Jesus Christ
I’m not an outwardly super-duper religious person, but I have a military grade fortress when we’re talking internal strength. I’m more of an “ask and you shall receive” than a “let me tell you all about it even though we’re talking about baseball” kind of guy. But man oh man are there those days where […]
Stand Up or Your Brain Might Leave You
It’s 2 o’clock and you’re beginning to doze off at your computer. Typing away at yet another email isn’t exactly your idea of a good time. Interest wanes. Breathing slows. Eyelids get heavier. Ruh-roh… here it comes. The big yawn. Yup, your day is pretty much toast. A little too full for another cup of […]
10 Lessons Kidney Stones Teach You About Life
Have you ever got a Dorito stuck in your throat? No, not just a little piece, I mean a big honkin’ chunk of a sharp Dorito chip. Extra spicy and extra pointy. It seems like no matter how hard you swallow, no matter how much water you drink, and no matter how much you try […]