Do you really understand how to best get your job done or get along with people at your work? Your professional career and personal development hinges on understanding your strengths and weaknesses. Until you really understand just how important they are to the things you do (and how well you do them!), you won’t take […]
5 Hot Reasons To Burn Your Career Plan To Ashes
I remember the dark days of sitting at my cube typing away at what seemed like an endless supply of busywork. Nothing was fulfilling. Nothing was helping me feel like I was doing anything useful in life. And nothing was motivating me to continue on with fervor. What was I to do? When I say […]
Your Weaknesses Revealed! Now What Do You Do In Your Life? (Survey Results)
Trudging through life with a sack of weaknesses can only make things tougher. Not know what is causing more harm than good in your life can put extra layers of difficulty on everything you do and you don’t deserve that hardship. But do you know what your real weaknesses are? Do you know what causes […]
What Would You Use Your Top Work Strengths For? (Survey Results)
Do you know your strengths and weaknesses? Better yet, do you know what to use them for? Looking at the world with new focus, intent, and control is something we could all gain from. When you get a better understanding of what you’re really good at, you’ll begin to start making things work better for […]
4 Block-Breakers To Get Your Stuck Goals Going Again!
You know they say writer’s block is a gigantic problem for a lot of people. I don’t know that I believe that because, one, there aren’t a whole lot of writers. And two, it only stops amateurs. Bust those pesky roadblocks. Because professionals know you have to power through it. If you can tie the […]
Why Strengths Are Important in Your Professional Work Life (Survey Results)
When we begin to understand how our personal strengths and weaknesses boost our personal and career development, we can finally begin to shape our future. There’s only one major problem here… not a lot of people are terribly clear on what theirs are or why they are important in their lives. I took a survey […]
3 Reasons The Lies About Multi-Tasking Are Causing You Grief
You know what bugs me is that a lot of people say that humans aren’t capable of multi-tasking and I know what they really mean to say is that humans are not proficient with performing multiple tasks at the same time. Juggling, singing, working, & being awesome. Well I’m here to say that, much like […]
Feeling Down? You Need These 3 Motivation Secrets To Get Up Again
It is yet another lazy Saturday morning. The kids are up. They’re jumping around making noise and overall making a mess. You don’t care too much because you love them and it’s just stuff around the house. But you really don’t feel like doing anything. Sometimes we need help out of the hole. The weather’s […]
Finish What You Started. 3 Ways To Fire Up Your Motivation
I’ve worked plenty of projects in my life of all types of sizes and responsibilities. Whether this is gigantic multimillion-dollar projects for NASA or not as monetarily valuable, but just as important, in my opinion, projects for my business. Okay… maybe TOO much fire. Invariably, something is going to change or things are going to […]