Does your workday feel like you’re watching a re-run for the 97th time? You already know the characters, you completely understand the plot, and you know that the end is less than exiting. But why do we keep on watching the same thing over and over again when clearly, we have complete control of the programming? You hold the remote after all!
Work was made for man, man was not made for work. You are not just another cog in a boring widget-producing machine. You are an awesome contributor to society and can do so much more in the world if you’ll reach out and grab more of the success that has your name on it already. Look to these examples from others and see where you can change your own future.
Thousands of test takers were asked a little bit about themselves before diving into the strengths test. Part of this is to help center their minds around the reason they are taking the test, but also to get them to get into the deep-contemplation mode before diving into the questions. Here’s what they were asked:
Describe what you feel is the most frustrating thing about your current job.
Why Understand People’s Frustrations?
It isn’t until we begin to understand what makes our daily life harder that we begin to understand what we need to change in our life, work, or relationships. By getting a better understanding of what make life more challenging, I can begin to help folks with the problems that matter most to them.
I am seeking understanding, ideas, and focused attention on making valuable change in the world. Can you see some use from this information, too?
List of Workplace Frustrations – Part 10 of 10
- Long duration of work time
- Government Agencies – FMCSA, CARB, DOT, “peace” officers.
- Inabilities to problem solve
- Lack of interest
- Time. There is always a lack of time to get the things done that need to be done right.
- I feel that I need people around me to understand my passion for my work.
- Not having any privacy , not a big enough office.
- Target pressure and guilty feeling when business could not be delivered, and feeling monotonous
- My current job can be exasperating; other life responsibilities come into play, and I am unable to do everything. I am easily stressed and concerned that I am not fulfilling my responsibilities enough, so when I fall back onto another obligation, such as my current job, I am full of weariness.
- No meaning.
- It is not stimulating enough. Most of the daily tasks require little to no brain activity or thought involved.
- Coming up with ideas
- I feel lazy to do the things…………….
- The lack of creativity.
- When personalities get in the way, instead of service to each other and the goal, success becomes more difficult.
- What should if choose as my future career?
- Not happy with job profile
- I think I need a higher job, its very routine and basic I need something which has more importance and requires intelligence. But if am lost I don’t know what I want to do in life
- Love my job. Looking to find something for a team.
- Not always having the best products compared to other businesses
- I get very tired easily. I am starting to feel myself burning out.
- Interaction with people. it is a new situation. with all of us coming from different cultures.
- The hours are unreliable and the pay is minimal.
- Not a career job
- I am currently a server and the most frustrating thing about my job is that there is a great lack of teamwork and respect for each other.
- Not where I want to be in life.
- Lack of growth
- Unstructured management activities, poor welfare and working condition
- I don’t have a job. if sleep.
- Not enough money
- I do not have a job, and it is frustrating that I both have too many equally competing ambitions while at the same time no real drive to do any particular thing.
- The stress of pleasing people.
- Would I be a good parent ?
- What viable career I would enjoy and look forward to doing?
- There is no upward mobility unless you have held the position at another company. All of the top positions are filled externally.
- It was deleted by the Affordable Care Act. It was a wonderfully fulfilling and progressive career.
- How can I improve my weaknesses?
- Receiving a lack of information.
- What career path is best suited for me?
- My current job isn’t mentally challenging and I don’t get enough variety
- That would be all of the budget cuts for education programs. As a teacher, funding cuts are weighing heavily on everything we do.
- I feel fear to speak.
- Delegating is hard for me due to the sensitive nature of my business.
- Time to accomplish the things I want to do/interested in instead of the mundane, every day ‘have to be done things’ that fill too much of my time.
- I’m a student but it is very frustrating when the teachers teach very undetailed and half assed.
- What is my greatest talent?
- No recognition given for jobs well done.
- Lack of contributing to society…..all about making a buck
- I am not having any job. I am a doctor by profession. I had to struggle a lot to set my practice. Currently I am in us on dependent can’t practice.
- It’s boring and unfulfilling.
- I don’t have a job, but my live is unexciting, repetitive, and full of uncertainty.
- The most frustrating thing is when employees fail to follow policies and procedures.
- Low pay and an difficult boss
- Boring and if don’t even have a job, I’m a scholar
- What should I be when I grow up?
- Managing and hiring the best people
- My life, my business and my career
- Is this career going to make me happy?
- How do I get to know the purpose of my life?
- Lack of growth feel I’m not utilizing my strengths
- It is a dead end and the boss is a lying backstabbing weasel who has no problem stomping on people to protect himself from his own @#&$ups.
- What you would like to do on the future?
- I don’t know how to navigate the technology and do not know what my passion is for the job.
- I feel that I am being stagnated by the lack of ideas in doing my work. May be I am afraid to move forward or may be I am just tired. I would love to do more if I sure of myself.
- What am I good at? what am I bad at? in life, career, and how can I change?
- I am not challenged enough and my manager does not appreciate when I do good work but is quick to point out when I miss his goals but exceed company goals.
- Not enjoying what if do is frustrating. Stress can make any job less enjoyable if you do not care enough about the job to work past it. Working with difficult coworkers is something if hate.
- When no one explains properly of what needs to be done.
- Dealing with the problems of keeping vehicles maintained and scheduled for preventative maintenance. As well as never having liked doing mechanical work, its just never been my cup of tea.
- I don’t have a current job, if go to school and sometimes is kind of boring but if love to be with my friends and having a good time with them
- That I don’t have one and have any idea on directly how to obtain one that I would love going to everyday. And I want one in a foreign country so its a little extra exciting.
- I feel the most frustrating thing about my job is working with lazy and unreliable people.
- Without trust and respect between business partners
- Shows no positive outcome fast
- Not sure what to do/when to do
- Working with unreliable people
- The lack of communication between different departments and the lack of ability to get needed things done without explanation.
- Coworkers lack of work ethic
These are insights into the go-getters out there. These are insights into the people that you work with, work for you, and lead you. Have you learned anything from this mega list of work-place frustrations?
Share your own comments or stories of frustration in the comments below, please.