Useful to-do lists would be a concise arrangement of tasks that should be done in a timely manner. It is an organized, sequenced list that leaves no question as to what needs to be done. It does have enough description to explain each task without getting excessive.
The most important thing about “useful -to- do” lists is that they serve as a reminder of what needs to be done.You can prioritize the list by placing the list in sequential order. What need to be first , second, etc.. by importance.You can see your progress being made by checking off items upon completion.
This is a topic that is near and dear to the hearts of my readers, researchers, and website visitors. So much so that one of them were kind enough to share their own personal opinions. I don’t claim to be the best interviewer in the world, but I do promise some good, raw, and honest answers from normal people like you and me. I do my best to NOT filter these answers, except for the bad words and hateful speech.
With that little blurb out of the way, let’s dive right into the juicy bits of (potentially) life-changing insights.
Current Topic: Useful To-Do Lists
‘R’ = Richard N. Stephenson (me!) ‘I’ = Interviewee (anonymous by request unless otherwise noted)
[This interview is inspired and fueled by research done for my book: Staying Motivated at Work.]
R: Why would anyone really want to pay attention to this subject?
I: Money is saved when to do lists are used in grocery shopping. Time management is benefited with to do lists because priority items are worked on. Time and money are the two biggest benefits of to do lists.
R: I’m wondering, what do you think about this subject is so important now-a-days?
I: Lists help by keeping your thoughts organized. It allows you to prioritize your tasks and keep them in front of you so you don’t forget. Doing so can allow the best use of your time and you can get more things accomplished.
R: Describe what’s so special about this topic in how it helps folks live life better.
I: A ‘useful to-do list’ can help someone strive to do things that they may conveniently forget. If it is written down it can become a higher standard than just doing things as they come along. Doing things deliberately instead of reactively can develop character and give a person more control.
R: At the end of the day, who would you pick to be the best at doing what matters most regarding this topic?
I: I have a friend who is great at to-do lists. It keeps him organized and helps to keep his life running smoothly. He knows the direction he is going in and how to get there. It helps him to keep persevering and motivated.
R: Describe who least exemplifies the core meaning of this topic to you.
I: If you have a lot of things to do, it is easier to organize them by using a list. If you are very disorganized, then you may not think of writing a list. It is hard to remember everything you have to do and you will miss something if you rely only on your memory.
If you have a lot of grocery’s to buy at the supermarket, you will probably forget something and then have to go back to the market to pick it up. A disorganized person can waste a lot of their own time and also others may get mad at them if they are expecting the disorganized person to pick something y for them.
R: How could the average person plan to bring this topic into the stuff they do on a daily basis?
I: Useful to-do lists have always been a part of my life. Otherwise, I would forgot to do pretty much everything. I like to use my online calendar as my to-do list so that I get a reminder without having to actually look at a list.
R: How would you describe the best time to make this topic part of your life?
I: I believe at night after your long day is coming to an end. When you have a lot of things on your mind, you can easily make a list of what you feel like you need to do first. At night would be the best time to me.
R: Can you think of a time when it’s probably a bad idea to look into this subject more?
I: A little silly but here it is — During sex is a very bad time to bring do to list into life. Nobody wants to feel like sex has to be a chore.
R: Where in people’s daily lives do you think this topic would fit in nicely?
I: I think the place where you start your first activities list is the best place. That way you can visualize your day from its start point and create your list from what you need to do from there.
R: Tell us about the worst place to make this subject part of our lives.
I: The worst place to make a ‘useful to-do list’ is after work at home. Creating a list of things to do after the office makes me feel like I am still at work, going for any particular task. Creating a physical list is also time consuming when I already know what I have to get done.
R: Who do you think could use some help with this subject?
I: I would say family. I know some family members who can help me with little quick useful tasks in the regular day. I’m also more comfortable around than with friends or strangers. Family will always be there too, friends come and go.
R: If you could only give one piece of advice for this folks out there, what would it be?
I: Do not use the to do list if you don’t plan to adhere to it. To do lists can be a waste of time if not followed. To do lists are like maps and should not be meandered upon because one could get lost.
R: Give me an idea of something people should avoid in learning more about this topic.
I: Never put a task on a to-do list that you know you won’t do. It makes the whole to-do list a hateful object and will make you just set it aside and avoid looking at it. It becomes a useless piece of paper, and you might as well just throw it away.
R: What would you recommend folks do today to work on this topic at hand?
I: Someone can make to do lists when they have a goal to meet. They can then do the things on the list in order, checking them off as they go along. It also helps to break things up into manageable steps.
Thank you for reading this personal journey into becoming a better person and having a better future ahead of you. I hope you enjoyed this interview conversation and found golden nuggets you can immediately apply to your daily life.
If you want to get more productivity (and fulfillment!) out of your work, career, and life through being more motivated, then check out Staying Motivated at Work.
Please feel free to share your thoughts, comments, or personal life-changing wisdom below.