It means taking pride in your work. Taking a task seriously and doing your absolute best in order to accomplish that task. Someone who doesn’t have much personal value will typically not put their best effort at a task. I believe this is important at work especially because most of the time, promotion is based on performance.
I feel that personal values should be kept out of the workplace. It is important to feel belonging in your organization – however, there is also a thin line between what you should share among professional contacts. Remember it is not the public’s business regarding your views on marriage, religion, or politics. It keeps the drama and tension down to a minimum.
This is a topic that is near and dear to the hearts of my readers, researchers, and website visitors. So much so that one of them were kind enough to share their own personal opinions. I don’t claim to be the best interviewer in the world, but I do promise some good, raw, and honest answers from normal people like you and me. I do my best to NOT filter these answers, except for the bad words and hateful speech.
With that little blurb out of the way, let’s dive right into the juicy bits of (potentially) life-changing insights.
Current Topic: Personal Value/Importance At Work
‘R’ = Richard N. Stephenson (me!)
‘I’ = Interviewee (anonymous by request unless otherwise noted)
R: What would someone really get out of this?
I: You would do your job better when you have a greater personal outlook. You would begin to see everyone else’s inner value. You would make everyone else try to feel more important too.
R: Sometimes, I think this kind of stuff could really help people in life – what do you think?
I: If someone were to find themselves personally valued rather than seen as replaceable, it could be life changing. Many people find themselves working jobs out of necessity. To work in a field that they are valued, rewarded, and needed, would change their entire outlook. I know personally how rewarding it would be to know that I was important at work, and I would definitely be more inclined to go the extra mile.
R: Improving those around us is a key concept in life-optimization – how does this topic fit in?
I: If a person takes pride in their work, that can help them be a better person. If the person feels that they are valued at work, their work is much likely to be better. A person will work harder if they feel that they matter. If they feel their work matters, they are more likely to be ethical, both to their company and to the people that they help. Personal value can help workers be better people.
R: Can you think of anyone that exemplifies what this topic means to you?
I: I believe Dave Ramsey, a best-selling personal finance author, radio host, and public speaker, is best at personal value and work importance for several reasons. First, he makes it clear that the financial advice he gives is not new, is not “get rich quick,” is common sense, and is advice your grandmother would give you. Secondly, he admits repeatedly to having made stupid financial mistakes in the past. He even admitted to considering suicide. Third, he practices what he preaches; specifically, his company is debt-free and Dave does not use credit cards.
R: Who’s the flat-out worst at this subject?
I: Some managers at my work place just don’t give a crap about any of the employees. They will make us do the most ridiculous jobs just so they can either be lazy or embarrass you. All they want to do is sit behind the desk or talk about other people all day and clock out. Then they will walk up to you and try to talk to you like they know you. I’m not too calm with that.
R: Please, share with us what would make this topic more prevailent in your life?
I: Some things you can do to make yourself more important at work start with learning important tasks. Don’t just show up and do your work, but cross-train on other tasks. This way, if other people are out, you can save the day by being able to keep the company working.
R: When do you think the average person should start paying attention to this topic?
I: During the work day is a time to show yourself and your employee your personal value. During peak season, if the place of employment is a retail establishment, an employee can show how he can perform optimally under pressure. Also when a project is due when there are extenuating circumstances that could make the task difficult is also a time when one can show personal value. The worker who performs optimally in spite of obstacles shows personal value to himself and to the employee.
R: Give me an example of a bad time to dive deeper into this subject, please.
I: A “date night” would not be a good time to share work talk. A couple needs time alone for things other than bills, work, car repairs and so on. Any sort of just for fun social event would rule this out as a good topic as well.
R: Give us an example of a good place to bring this subject into daily life.
I: The happier you are at work, the better you’ll do there and the easier it will be to practice good values. It’s better to have a job you like or that at least doesn’t make you actually unhappy. It’s also best if there isn’t a lot of drama there.
R: Describe the worst place to bring this subject into your life.
I: When you are away from work is the worst time to make importance of work a key value. This is the time you need to either re energize for the next day or spend time with your family. There needs to be a good balance between your work life and family life.
R: In your opinion, who out there could use a little more help with this subject?
I: i have to say woman in general(no hate) sometimes guys seem them as an inferior and they don’t give them the place they got, they don’t move up the corporate ladder as easy as men
R: How would you recommend people get started on this topic?
I: Everybody’s job at work is important. Without one job done sometimes others can not get finished. Keep your head high and work hard!
R: What is the absolutely most dangeours and bad thing someone should stay away from related to this topic?
I: It’s important not to bring your drama to work. If you want a good work ethic and if you want to keep your job, leave your drama at home. If you’re having issues, try to put them aside while at work.
R: If you had to do just one thing *right now* to get better at this subject, what would it be?
I: In every job, there are problems and challenges that come up on a daily basis. If you usually sit by and let someone else address them, then today is the day that you should speak up. You’re ideas are just as good as someone else’s. Put them out there. The worst that can happen as they don’t get chosen. The best is that you have contributed something solid to your job today.
Thank you for reading this personal journey into becoming a better person and having a better future ahead of you. I hope you enjoyed this interview conversation and found golden nuggets you can immediately apply to your daily life.
If you want to get more productivity (and fulfillment!) out of your work, career, and life through being more motivated, then check out Staying Motivated at Work.
Please feel free to share your thoughts, comments, or personal life-changing wisdom below.