Coworkers who inspire and motivate are those who try to get you to do your best. They are hard working and do not slack on the job. They don’t take their job for granted.
Their leadership skills are important. They have the ability to lead you in the right direction.They are trustworthy and have a positive influence on others.They are likable with a pleasing personality.
This is a topic that is near and dear to the hearts of my readers, researchers, and website visitors. So much so that one of them were kind enough to share their own personal opinions. I don’t claim to be the best interviewer in the world, but I do promise some good, raw, and honest answers from normal people like you and me. I do my best to NOT filter these answers, except for the bad words and hateful speech.
With that little blurb out of the way, let’s dive right into the juicy bits of (potentially) life-changing insights.
Current Topic: Coworkers Who Inspire And Motivate
‘R’ = Richard N. Stephenson (me!)
‘I’ = Interviewee (anonymous by request unless otherwise noted)
R: What would someone really get out of this?
I: Coworkers are a good support system to have set up at work. On days when you are not feeling 100% a co worker could inspire and motivate you to get through the day. Motivation in the workplace will help each person to be a better person.
R: How do you think this could change someone’s life?
I: Someone who is not used to getting to work on time would take pride in clocking in with the rest of the on-time employees. The employee could get a raise or a promotion by doing more than what is required to perform a good job. A raise or a promotion could provide a better living which is always appreciated by most of the hard working people in society.
R: Explain what about this subject could help people be just all around better.
I: Inspiring and motivating coworkers model behavior and daily habits that others can learn from. This is especially true in the area of leadership. Leadership is not something people are born with, it’s a learned behavior. Everyone should look towards a mentor that models these behaviors and they will improve both personally and professionally.
R: Describe the perfect person to be the poster-child for this topic.
I: My coworker DM inspires and motivates me everyday. He is in a wheelchair but manages to drive to work and work hard in our trucking division. Despite his physical ailments, he works harder than most of our other employees. It is a pleasure to work with him.
R: Tell me who in your personal experience is not up-to-speed on this subject at all.
I: A person who is the worst at inspiring coworkers would be selfish and self-centered. They would not care about the needs, wants or goals of others. They would also likely lack leadership qualities needed to inspire others.
R: Please, share with us what would make this topic more prevailent in your life?
I: I would try to work with them on as many projects as possible to learn from them. I would meet with them outside of the office to exchange ideas. I would ask them how I could do my job better and increase my knowledge by learning from their success.
R: When do you think new folks should get into this topic?
I: If you think about it, they are already part of your life. If you are talking on an emotional and intimate level, it would not be appropriate. I would only if we were not co workers anymore.
R: Describe a time when it is inappropriate to bring up this subject.
I: For the process of creation and to bring joy into the workplace, a coworker should be included into your life. Your work is a TEAM effort – different unique minds working together for the common purpose of creating something innovative, fresh and new. A time to bring in coworkers is when you feel uninspired or unmotivated and feel like a change is needed. When you need to get motivated, coworkers can do that for you. Others find inspiration in other people’s lives.
R: Describe where you think most people could get better use out of this topic.
I: The workplace setting allows the opportunity to praise coworkers for their hard work and efforts. Coworkers who inspire and motive deserve to be commended. There are ways to compensate them; after all, they are a part of your daily life because you see them everyday. In a nutshell, the workplace environment is a great place to make your coworkers feel needed, wanted, and truly a part of your daily life.
R: Where is a really bad place to start working on this topic?
I: The worst place to meet co workers is at the doctors office. The reason being because if they are the gossipy and nosey type. Your business will be blabbed all over at work and the stories will fly. So avoid meeting co workers at the doctors office. It will make your job life a living nightmare.
R: Who do you think could use some help with this subject?
I: The United States congress comes to mind. They are unable to make a decision because they are stuck in a negative feedback loop of “them versus us”. They would benefit greatly from leaders who can inspire and motivate them to move past their “party lines”.
R: What special tricks, tactics, or strategies could you recommend for us today?
I: If you have coworkers who inspire and motivate, then you are lucky. I advise you to stick with this job for a while because you can learn a lot that will make you a more valuable employee in the future. Listen to what they have to say with the goal of emulating them someday.
R: What’s something people should avoid if they’re looking into this subject?
I: Someone should never give up on their goals. Giving up on ones goals would mean that the inspiration and the motivation was there but the one who experienced the motivational tendencies did not follow through. One should never give up on reaching a goal that is accomplished with motivation and inspiration.
R: How would you describe a practical step we could take today to get more done on this topic?
I: 1. Invite the person to your church as a motivational speaker.2.Invite the person to a family gathering.3. Meet for lunch every now and then.
Thank you for reading this personal journey into becoming a better person and having a better future ahead of you. I hope you enjoyed this interview conversation and found golden nuggets you can immediately apply to your daily life.
If you want to get more productivity (and fulfillment!) out of your work, career, and life through being more motivated, then check out Staying Motivated at Work.
Please feel free to share your thoughts, comments, or personal life-changing wisdom below.