When is the best time to invest in mutual funds? I would answer this question with right now, preferably though, yesterday. This is one of those things that, depending on how you use your money, the sooner you get started the better. And I’m talking, as soon as an investment company will deal with you. Whether that is eighteen or sixteen years old, or whatever.
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Now I do, oh squirrel (no seriously… it was a squirrel – lol), I do think that you should read up on it and I’ve gone through approximately twenty books revolving around investing. Mainly, well actually it’s a pretty wide range. It covers the day trader type stuff, the super, super conservative only bonds stuff, to everything in between. Intelligent asset allocator was one of the better ones as well as comfort zone investing that you would probably have a real hard time finding. But it was a good dip into it.
But anyway, if you’re not saving up your money, to like buy businesses, and you need that liquid cash, you need to put money into a mutual fund right away. It’s a slow growth but it’s a heck of a lot better than any savings, or cd’s or a silly thing like that that you can put your money into.
And to give you an idea, my four oh one k, which is completely fund allocated, for the past three years has had an average, rolling average, growth of at least nine point two three percent. And I’m investing pretty conservatively. I’m split up forty percent bonds, sixty percent stocks
I am by no means an vestment wizard. I cannot legally give you any investment advice. You’re on your own. Disclaimer. Disclaimer. Nothing I say here is to be construed as any type of whatever. Do your own research. Get with your own financial gurus. But point being, this money that could be just sitting around in the bank, has earned quite a bit for me over the past couple of years by simply just taking it out and paying myself first, and having it sit there and make money while I go and do other things.
It is always too late when you’re asking about it. Too late, as in you should have started earlier. Not too late to get started. It’s never too late to get started. But when you should get started was a long time ago. Think about it. Talk to some people. Read a couple of books. I’ve got some recommendations on the blog. Of course you know the website, and the resources. I think you’ll find something pretty interesting. That’s all I got. Bye.