It’s a rainy day here. Cold no fun. And if you’re sitting at home in these types of weathery nastiness events. You could be thinking, man all I want to do is put on my PJ’s get a hot cup of cocoa. You know that sounds like too much work and just chill out. Right? I know I do. Which get’s me thinking about motivation. Internal the external. Where it all comes from and how we can, at the lowest of the low days, get ourselves fired up and ready to do more stuff.
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I’ve got a couple tricks, tips, strategies, books, and ideas about motivation. And a lot of times it simply boils down to me and making the right decision at that point of rationalization. When I’m sitting there coming up with an excuse of why I shouldn’t go do something useful. That’s when I know, sorry buddy it’s time to get back on those tasks you have. Instead of playing another round of PlayStation 3 or 4 games or surfing Reddit. Cause we all know those kind of things can chew up a couple hours like nothing.
So, at that moment of critical decision. When you have the question of, what should I be doing right now and the little beast comes up and says, well…
Sorry about the windshield wipers it’s raining and I’m making videos. I decided to not let that little demon tell me to not press the button and decided to record. So, I apologize for the windshield wipers.
But anyway, when you have that little demon that’s inside there saying, I know what you should do you should sit back and do nothing or go back to sleep or sit back on the couch or put on eight layers of pajamas and just curl up and waste a little bit of time away. That’s when you say yeah you know what? I’ve got stuff to do and this little itty bitty chunk of time that I can get something done is mine.
This is my life this is my portion of existence that I can choose to make use. Sure you don’t have to do it every time. But those times that you do and you commit to doing it… man, they just make every one after that seem so much more important and useful.
Keep on top of those monsters. Stay motivated. Press them buttons. And motivation is sure to follow. It’s up to you folks. If you have any tips, I’m looking forward to them. It’s the kind of thing you can’t get too complicated on so the more simple it can be the better. Thanks for watching. Have a good one. Peace out.