So if you could learn a brand new skill today what would it be? It is an important question that we need to ask ourselves on a regular basis. I think and I really do believe – at least for my own personality and preferences – that if you stop learning you stop growing and if you stop growing, well things can appear to be kind of stagnant. I’m pretty sure that’s not what most people want. Growth is nice; that’s part of what we’re here to do is to grow, to get better and to share that with other people.
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So, on that line of thinking ask yourself what one thing – if all obstacles were removed – would I want to learn today? What would it be? Or wouldn’t be? Let me know in the comments. It might give me some good ideas. For me I think that skill would be – that’s a tough one but it would probably be along the lines of a better business understanding of e-commerce happenings. I know that’s out there.
It’s on the internet, there are courses and people have shown it’s a proven path and everything; I just haven’t gone down that road yet. But it’s something I’m interested in and I think I’d want to learn more about. I know there’s a lot of skills inside of that arena but that’s the overreaching, I guess, container that interests me. If I could just boom have it absorb into my mental faculties today; that’d probably be what it is. I think that would really help.
So of course now I’m kind of mentally and YouTube obligated to start looking into it a lot more seriously now so. Thank you self, thank you YouTube. I hope you can do the same for yourself too. It’s a good way to semi force ourselves to get some stuff done. That is a gigantic bag of sand. Holy moly. And on that, have a great day.