You got any type of online store or do anything online, you’re probably either on the fence about making the jump to accepting credit cards because you’ve just been doing PayPal or whatever for so long, or you’re there and you know exactly what I’m talking about, and that is touching anything to do with Authorize.Net.
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Oh my gosh. They need to go out of business big-time. There are so many other solutions, I can’t even cover them all here. If you don’t have some type of shopping cart or product distribution service that has credit card processing built into it through or any other of the much more up to date and much, much better services, I’m sorry, man.
I did the Authorize.Net thing for a couple months, and I’m pretty doggone good with numbers, and I just couldn’t keep track with the crazy fees and craziness that they do and the fact that it took me a ton of time just to figure out how to sign up and do all these forms. It took two or three times as much just to quit, which is ridiculous.
I think I lost more money there signed up with them than I made. It just seemed that way. I know it’s not the case, but my goodness, just in the time and the frustration dealing with it, I think it was more costly.
Do yourself a favor, get with the times. Quit your Authorize.Net. Use a Shopify or a Bigcommerce or Magento or Volusion or any of those other resources that use PayPal Pro or or whatever latest integration to get the heck away from the archaic Authorize.Net.
You’ll feel better, you will save money, and I think you’ll be doing the web a service, because the dinosaurs have got to go. You’re welcome. Do it.