A lot of the time that we’re out there experimenting, and that’s all life is really is an experiment, we’re focused too much on the results and what they mean for us; and what they mean about us. When really, we’re not responsible for the outcome. We’re responsible to what we do and being respectful contributors to the world. But, the outcome does not determine what we’re worth or what we’ve done as far as self confidence and motivation is concerned.
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So when you have a gigantic failure, or problem that’s going on, if you immediately focus on how bad it is for your life then you’re going to miss the whole reason it happened; which is to give you a lesson. Some wisdom. Some life changing nuggets of golden awesomeness that you need to embrace and make part of your life as you’ve already spent the time, the money, and the trouble to go through that experiment.
Just like the scientific method, you’re looking to vet your hypothesis. You’re not going in saying oh I’m wrong, I’m wrong, how bad I am I’m wrong. You’re going in saying this is what I think is going to happen, whether you really say it or not. Every time you do something that’s what you’re doing.
You’re going to do it with no expectation. You’re just going to do it. Or maybe you do have expectations but you’re not attached to the result. You’re not biasing the data to show that you’re experiment goes one way or another. You’re going to take the results just as they are. You’re going to look at those results.
You can get a post it note or an index card, or the voice recording function on your phone and say, this thing that happened to me that didn’t go as planned, provided the following lessons learned and nugget of golden awesomeness and wisdom that I can use in my life. And then fill in that blank.
Be cheesy, be funky, be as little and as petty as you need to be. This isn’t to share with anyone else, unless you really want to. This is for you to learn and look back on later and say hey, I’m glad I did this. I’m glad I learned from that. I’m glad I looked at this mistake as something to help improve my life and the way I do things. Grow. A couple percentages at a time. That’s what it’s all about. Incremental change. You can do it. Just try it, and good luck.