How to handle email. In this edition it’s when you get a request for permission to use your content. This can be a difficult one, depending on what kind of content you got. Because, sure, if you’ve got awesome images and videos that, you know, you sell and you’re pretty partial to, you probably just don’t want them blatantly putting them around unless it will do something good for you and whoever is asking for it.
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The kind of emails I get on this, is like hey I want to use your test, or your blog post, or this image you made over here. Is that ok? And you know, if it’s just a regular old output, just kind of judge whether or not you think you would like this to show up at some other place. Which usually means a link or credit of some sort. So it can kind of go both ways. Whenever I get an email for a request for permission to use something, I think, what are they going to get out of this?
I mean, obviously it’s going to be useful if they are seeking permission. And what am I going to get out of it? Because I don’t exactly just, kind of, want to nilly willy spread myself too thin and associate with, you know, things that aren’t in line with my personal opinions and beliefs as well as what I want the business to evolve to.
But usually it’s perfectly fine. You get a request for permission to use your content, say yes and then if you have any reservations or stipulations, just mention them. Sometimes if that alone is enough to persuade the other person to no longer seek using your content, like if you say, yes you can use this but you must mention this and link back to me, sometimes they’ll say, oh well that’s a little too much for me and I don’t agree with those terms. In which case, you’ve handled the email as well as made your desires clear. You’re good.
But normally, most people like to spread their name and have their links out there, and be more widely known. And really when it comes to it, at the end of the day, this person was nice enough to ask. A lot of times people just don’t ask, one because they don’t care or they just don’t know any better. So you have to remember you’re already dealing with an okay person, so maybe treat them okay. And lastly if you really want it private or not used by someone else, don’t put it on the internet. Because once it’s there, sorry y’all. It’s free reign. K? It’s a pretty easy email to handle. I hope it helps, and good luck.