How to get over losing your job. It’s a tough one. Hopefully, it was for a non-“you’re-fired” reason, but more along the lines of company downsizing or financial reasons. Either way, it’s no fun, and it’s an immediate hit to the way you live your life and support your family, if you have it, or just do what you’re not used to doing.
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Some people probably have a big problem with it because they attach themselves to the job and the results, and…
Whoa! ice is flying everywhere.
Sometimes that can be a attached to self-worth, which is part of the biggest problem of feeling bad about losing the job.
First and foremost, before you start working on that resume, before you start sending them out, know and convince yourself that jobs were made for people. People were not made for jobs. Huge difference. There are a ton of jobs out there. You’ll be able to find something. May not be exactly what you want right up front, but you’re capable, you can still learn, and there’s plenty of work out there.
Now, as far as getting back in the saddle, a high level approach to keeping yourself motivated and knowing that you’re doing good work in the process is to give it your all. Work 40 hours a week at finding a job. Treat finding a job as your job, and keep a running to-do list and a running to-done list.
Keep track of what you’re doing and what you’ve done so you’ll know that you’re doing good work to secure the next job and you can look back on those lists, see what you’ve done, see what worked, see what didn’t work, modify, upgrade, optimize, and eventually you’ll understand and you’ll get that job, maybe even have a couple choices to choose from.
To detatch your self-worth from the work that you do and the results that you get, keep track of the good work you do while you’re trying to look for a new job, and know that you’ll find something. Give it some time. You’re worth a lot more than worrying about some job somewhere, no matter how awesome it was or wasn’t. Keep up that confidence. You’ll get there. Peace out and good luck.