If you write books, and you publish them on Kindle or the Apple Store or Barnes & Noble or whatever, or just straight-up PDF from your website, free or paid, you need people to find it.
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If you’re not the super-duper internet marketing guru and don’t have an awesome email list and all this good stuff, there’s no problem. There are ways to test out what works and doesn’t work pretty cheaply. It changes over time, so unfortunately, I can’t just give you a list of what’s worked for me, but there are quite a few Fiverr SEO-related gigs that you can repurpose for a book you have published somewhere.
If you’re going to do that, I don’t recommend using your website, because you don’t want a bunch of dirty, yukky, crappy, low-quality links pointing to your main website, but if you’ve got a book on Kindle or somewhere else, or Smashwords, and you want to link to that book page using a bit.ly link so you can track it (and maybe even an Amazon Affiliate link in there) you can do that.
You go over to Fiverr, you spend five bucks on the “I Will Build You a Link Pyramid With Eight Million Kabillion Gillion Followers On This Level” and yada yada, whatever, point to that to your book website, and just let it do its magic over time. Of course, it’s not going to last forever. You might have to keep up with it, but for five bucks a pop, what’s the big deal? There’s even some gigs that will submit your book to all of the free ebook submission sites, which sure you could do yourself, but there are dozens of them, and it would take you hours.
I’m assuming your hours’ worth of time is worth more than five bucks. Point being, like this last round of promotion I did, only two out of the six or seven gigs that I ordered at one time really had any results whatsoever, but at five bucks a pop, it was worth a shot. It was worth getting data to see whether or not certain gigs were worthwhile and just vetting the process.
Stop drinking that extra little fancy coffee or the Subway, and make your sandwich and coffee at home. Spend a little bit of money on Fiverr, and try out some of the otherwise completely SEO-related gigs on your book pages. You might just be surprised at what you find out, or you might not sell a single thing. It’s five bucks. It could be worth it.
Depending on how you priced your book, it’s going to take what, one or two sales, to get that five bucks back. It’s not a big deal. Experiment, get some data, do some good things, and sell some books. Help people.