You want to know the secret? Just don’t be scared. OK, OK, really and truly, there are a couple ways to do this to where you can just film and be yourself and be as goofy as you want to be and not even worry about it. The first thing you need to do is completely and absolutely don’t worry hee-haw about comments or what people say because quite frankly, if you’re focusing on that, you’ll never film another video in your life.
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Number two, unless you get over that hurdle of somewhere between five and ten videos uploaded, you don’t have enough investment in it and the motivation to continue is real low. It seems kind of a mental hurdle of somewhere around that number of videos to where, “Hey OK, you’ve broken the mold. You’ve kind of got a feel for it. I can do this.” Get out ten videos as quick as you can.
Number three, picture yourself talking to your best friend or your mom or somebody you’re OK being funny and free with on the other end of the phone, like this is a voice chat, a picture chat, or a video chat, whatever the heck they call it nowadays, and that it’s not actually going to Youtube.
Finally, number four, once you get to that point don’t attach yourself to the results and don’t give a hee-haw. Just film it. Don’t look at it again. Know that you’re focused enough to answer the question or address the point of the video in a short enough time, probably less than three minutes or so, and then get in, have fun, help people, and get out. That’s it.
You’ll get better as time goes on. It’ll start crappy, and it’ll slowly, incrementally, one-percent-ally get better until ain’t no thing but a chicken wing on a string in Beijing. That’s what I’m saying. Produce, hit that button, and get yourself on camera. Ain’t nothing to worry about. No need to be scared. Your turn.