How are things going for you right now, right this instant in your life, in your relationships, in your job, in your business ventures, in your fun times, in your hobby times, in your exercise, in your diet, in your thinking, in your relaxing, in your meditation, in your sleep, in your faith, in your love, in your growth, in your learning, and in everything? How is your life going right now? How do you feel? Are any of these things something that you need to pay more attention to or get a little bit more help in?
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If so, what are you waiting for? I mean, really. If, today, you found out that you had no more time in this country, on this planet, in life in general, if you were going to die in six months, what’s that one thing, right now, that you know you need to work on and that would make your ultimate life, score, balance, everything be awesome, or more awesomer (while we’re on the great English terms)? What is it? How is your life right now and what is it? Think about that.
If you can’t come up with at least two or three things that you should probably be focusing on more, then you need to get a pen and piece of paper and get down to it, because it’s there. Put some actual focused effort on it. Find those things and start working on them right away. I know this is wishy-washy high level soft skills type stuff. But guess what? Get that pen and paper and it’ll become hard skills real quick.
Put it to work. Put it to business. Start thinking about things. Focus on your inside so you can rearrange and change the outside, because it’s time to change. It’s time to grow. And it’s time to bring your awesomeness into the world. You were put here for more, I want to see it. We all want to see it. We’re waiting for you. Come on. Produce. See you out there. Bye.