If you’re in a situation or work environment where everyone around you cusses, this is going to be tough. Because you’re ratio of opportunities to stop it and being exposed to it versus not, is so much higher. And if you’re relatively good at the social arts, and rapport and getting along with folks, you will automatically go into a mode of being more sociable, and melding toward whatever group or people you’re around.
If it’s the roughneck, you know, oil Derrick working folks, you’re going to drop some ‘F’ bombs you’re going to drop some stuff, and it’s just going to be part of the language. It’s just a matter of being able to separate that from when you’re talking to your mom or your neighbors or your boss, cause it doesn’t fly.
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So the only way that you’ll ever be affectively able to stop or learning how to control your cussing, cause is not so much that you need to stop, it’s that you need to learn a better habits of when to use it appropriately. Because it is an outlet for frustration or to get a point across in times of utter need. You don’t want to completely do away with that, but you want to take something that has become basically meaningless and just another word and turning it into something special again.
There’s an underlying theme here that can be applied elsewhere to if you think about it. But if there is anything that you overuse, it’s because you’ve gotten familiar with it and it’s just become part of your daily habit and second nature. It’s time to make it a special, nice little rosy, cupcake, flowerily, awesomeness that it is, but that was hard to get through.
That’s going to take awareness, and you probably don’t want to aim for all words at once. Just pick the top three big nasty ones that you want to cut back on, you know, like the ‘F’ one, maybe ‘S’ one and the ‘B’ one. Set a little mental reminder to yourself to say hey, anytime I say these words, I’m going to stop for a couple of seconds and think about what I just did, that’s it.
Don’t say oh, I’m just going to immediately stop but just think. Stop what you’re doing, think about it and get in that habit of noticing when you say it. Try this when you’re not around the people that already cuss a whole bunch that you’re comfortable with.
Then when you get to that level, this works for some people, works for me. But get to the point where you don’t need to do it anymore because it becomes like a nature, becomes your new habit. But once that thought or that want to say the word pops up in your head, just have that little reminder of cancel, cancel, or delete, delete.
I know it sounds stupid, I know it seems fruity lootie, whatever, but you’ll have to do that for a couple of weeks until you break the habit that you’ve spent years building. Think about that, you’ve spent years practicing and learning how to cuss better, right?
Well so you’re going to have to put in the work to unlearn all that or to at least calm down on it and apply it more appropriately. Just going to take some practice, awareness, the replacement of that habit with something else inside, and then just keeping at it for a while. It’s the time, the frequency and then the importance to you.
Make cussing not important to you anymore, and not part of your regular habit. Take those little tips in mind, keep practicing. I would say somewhere around the 21 or 24th day in a row timeframe, you’ll be a whole lot better. You don’t have to be 100% done, why don’t you just aim for 10 or 20%. I think you can do that.
Hope that helps, give it a shot, and clean up that act, will you, bye.