When we begin to understand how our personal strengths and weaknesses boost our personal and career development, we can finally begin to shape our future. There’s only one major problem here… not a lot of people are terribly clear on what theirs are or why they are important in their lives.

The pros know!
I took a survey of several hundred people over the topic of professional and personal aptitudes related to several different topics. The results are at the same time sobering, challenging, and enlightening. Below is one of the questions I asked them and is followed by the unfiltered results.
Explain why you feel personal (not physical) strengths are important to your professional or work life.
- A person’s strengths can add to a certain area of the company. By an employer knowing a person’s strength it helps them know how well the person’s performance can or will be. It is also important because it will ensure the person is right for their assignment which helps the flow of things in the work environment.
- Personal strengths are the things that make each of us a valuable person. It could be your honesty or your positive attitude. These are the things that make us unique and human not robots. Sometimes our strengths can help others weakness and in a team situation you both are able to benefit.
- There is one personal strength that is very important in almost any workplace: customer service. Being someone who is very good at talking to people and solving solutions all while keeping a cool head will get you very far. Someone who isn’t good with those things, will come across as rude and will result in many upset customers. Not everyone is good at customer service but it can be learned.
- Individual personal strengths are the basis of success in professional work life. While work life and personal life are thought to be separate entities, the success of each is really dependent upon the other in many ways. A personal strength in certain areas will give you the opportunities for professional doors to be open. Many of these doors remain closed unless you have the personal strength to get those doors open.
- Personal strengths are important in my professional life because I have to interact with a lot of people. Networking and getting to know people also helps in getting the job done. Also, personal strengths help me complete my tasks more efficiently.
- I feel personal strengths are important because they give me standards to follow. Without having a set standard I may not perform as well at my job. I wouldn’t be as happy or content with myself without having a set standard (my personal strength) to live up to.
- Personal strengths are important to your life because they help you live happily. Once you find a strength in your life, you must find a way to make it part of your daily life and of your job. As a great philosopher said “You can’t judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree.”
- Having personal strengths is very important in the work place since it defines what you’ll do and what you’ll succeed at. While at work, you will fall onto the same things that make you succeed in your personal life while at work. If you work at a job where a lot of skills or strengths are valued and they don’t happen to be the same ones you hold in your personal life your chance for failure is higher. The strengths that make up your person are very important to help you find the place that will be great for you to work and where you can succeed.
- Having personal strengths enables me to do my job effectively. In addition, I am able to deal with setbacks and problems in an efficient manner.
- Personal strengths are important to my work because they enable me to find the right solutions to challenging problems through a good work ethic and perseverance. My perseverance and ability to think outside the box also helps me find information that others cannot, which makes me better at my job than most.
- Personal strengths help determine how you interact with others, and can help you get a job over someone else. Personal strengths are very important in the customer service industry, seeing as customers see the service you give and it will make or break their perception of a store based on the treatment you give them. Personal strengths are important not only in work, but in relationships as well. A good relationship with your coworkers can help to determine how successful you are in your current industry.
- Personal strengths are important to my professional life because they are what helps to lead me to my profession. Additionally, these strengths help the bonds between my coworkers and I, and motivates me to continue doing well.
- Personal strengths are important to your work life because they help you get your job done. One of my personal strengths is that I have great attention to detail, so not only do I get my job done quickly but I also ensure that it is done in a proper manner.
- When you are working in the professional field, your personal strengths characterize who you are as a worker/employee. Your ethics and morals, which are part of personal strengths, count more than physical strength. Employers want what is in your mind, not your body in the professional field.
- I need to be in a good state of mind to complete my work. My personal skills are very valuable in the workplace.
Can you identify with or find a nugget of awesome from these heart-felt responses? Have a story or piece of advice of your own? Please share with us in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
Want to discover more about your own strengths and weaknesses, and turn them into ways to get more our of your life? Find your strengths through this comprehensive test, find out what makes you tick, and take actionable steps to start living live with more purpose. Click here to find your strengths today.