All relationships could use a little help. Even the most lovey-dovey couple you know will experience some turmoil every once in a while. It’s okay – it’s the way we were made. But did you know you can use your own personal strengths and weaknesses to help boost the overall relationship? It’s worth every efforts and you’ll see that soon.

Hug, my friends, hug with great internal strengths or you might squish each other!
I took a survey of several hundred people over the topic of professional and personal aptitudes related to several different topics. The results are at the same time sobering, challenging, and enlightening. Below is one of the questions I asked them and is followed by the unfiltered results.
How could using your personal strengths in a relationship help you feel better? Why?
- I could use them to give a thorough explanation of my feelings. This helps because I am good at communication.
- My best personal strength is my sense of humor. By making others laugh, I can usually defuse any personal problems that develop in a self-deprecating way. In a professional business relationship, making a client or co-worker at ease with a joke goes a long way towards building a positive outlook and can make you feel better if it’s gotten off to a bad start.
- Personal strengths, whatever they may be, can boost the positive and downplay the negative feelings in a relationship. They do this by increasing your own self confidence. It can make you steadfast amid turmoil in your life and relationships. They are something you can rely on to help you through difficult moments.
- It is critical to use your strengths for the benefit of maintaining a relationship. We should always put our “best foot forward” when dealing with others. My best strength is that I am completely a forgiving person. When fighting with my husband (easiest example!) I am able to forgive the words spoken, etc, so that our marriage starts fresh the next day. It is important to forgive the person who has wronged you so that they can feel at peace, but even more important to let go of the anger that can build up inside when we do not forgive others.
- If you are regularly using your personal strengths, you are most likely to feel better about yourself as a person. If you feel better about yourself, and have good self-confidence, you will be more likely to be a better partner in a relationship, because you are sure of your own self and behavior. People who are more in tune with their own needs make better partners.
- It could show that I’m a caring and responsible person. No one wants to be with a disorganized person. It would make me feel better knowing the other person trusts me to make decisions for the whole family.
- Knowing your personal strengths and using them in a relationship can help resolve conflicts, explain your ideas and emotions, as well as strengthen your relationship. Using your strengths helps someone else to get to know you better, as well as trust you more. In turn, if you are able to use your personal strengths to strengthen a relationship, there would not be so much stress on the relationship if you had not tried at all.
- By contributing to a healthy and meaningful relationship should make one feel fulfilled. In a relationship you hopefully complement the other person allowing each other to express and use their strengths, bring out the best in both parties. You partner should acknowledge you strengths as well in a positive light.
- It’s quite easy, in my opinion. Using your strengths should always make you feel like an individual, especially around those who care for you. They see your strengths as an extension of you, which makes you special.
- Bringing my personal self-confidence and self-worth can make yourself seem more attractive to others be it a friend or a romantic interest. Thus the reverse feelings toward yourself will be positive and usually friendly. There has to be a line drawn though because too much self-worth or self-confidence can come across as arrogance. Also, whatever you bring into a relationship can build up others so this can give you the satisfaction of seeing others grow through your abilities in a indirect way simply by being who you are and not forcing those attributes on others. Simply put, in most cases your strengths can affect others to not only be better themselves but also how they treat you.
- Anytime that we can utilize our strengths to improve our lives we grow. There are strengths and weaknesses that we all have and focusing on the positive, the things that we are good at, improve us in the areas where we are weaker. In a relationship especially, it is a balancing act. A relationship is the sum of individuals, which by definition are different. When we focus on how we can use what we are best at to improve those relationships, we gain satisfaction.
- Two of my personal strengths are good listening skills and a strong ability to empathize with those who confide in me. I experienced a large measure of self-accomplishment as an addictions counselor over the years and this has always crossed over in my personal relationships. I feel better connected to those around me which is a boost to my personal happiness, self-esteem, and overall satisfaction with myself.
- If you are honest with your partner you can have a clear conscience. You are able to share with that person and feel like you are trust worth because you are honest with them. If you can gain someone’s trust you can be yourself.
- They make me feel better in relationships by making me feel more confident. When I’m using my strengths, I feel like I am knowledgeable and feel much more confident and comfortable in my skin. One personal strength of being optimistic and find the good in everyone. By using that strength in relationships, I feel better because I know that everyone has a little good in them, even if it’s hard to find at first!
- Using a personal strength, such as integrity or logic, is going to show the best parts of you to the other person in the relationship. You are being true to yourself as well, highlighting the best of you and not burying that, which is not only going to show the real you to the other person, but make you feel good about yourself and confident, honest, and self-esteem. Using your personal strengths is logical, you were given those talents and abilities and gifts for a reason, to hide them is not true to yourself or your maker, and it is not respectful to the person you are in the relationship with, because it shows you don’t trust them enough to show them the real you. Hiding your strengths will make you feel weak and not good about yourself – showing off your strengths will make you shine, which always makes you feel better.
Can you identify with or find a nugget of awesome from these heart-felt responses? Have a story or piece of advice of your own? Please share with us in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
Want to discover more about your own strengths and weaknesses, and turn them into ways to get more our of your life? Find your strengths through this comprehensive test, find out what makes you tick, and take actionable steps to start living live with more purpose. Click here to find your strengths today.