When someone has a very important assignment, they can use fear of failure in a very positive way. By considering negative consequences if they fail a project, it can motivate the person to make sure they don’t fail; perhaps the person can put a little more effort into the project than he normally would. I always think of the hockey team, the New York Islanders when i hear the term “fear of failure,” and i still remember a quote from one of the players on the team that won four straight titles in the 1980s. He said that one reason the team did so well was due to the fact that they were afraid to lose; they wanted so much to win they wouldn’t let the idea of losing interfering with their plans.
I can use myself as an example since i’m in a precarious situation these days. I recently found out i don’t have as much job security as I thought. When i consider negative consequences of not having a job, it’s important that I use the fear of failure of having a job (unemployment) to motivate me to do a serious job search. The fear of failure can be used as a positive tool by anyone willing to do what it takes to ensure success; or at least to avoid failure. Fear of failure can emotionally paralyze someone if he is not careful; much better to use it positively.
This article and responses are RichardStep visitor submissions and are about as raw and down-to-Earth as we can get, folks. Keep this in mind as there are varying opinions, ages, and stations in life represented. In the end, there are always some good hints, tips, and advice nuggets to grab from it all.
Fear of Failure
- Don’t be afraid to take risks, to say yes or to say no. Trust your inner self.
- Don’t go through life fearing failure, hurt or disappointment. It’s not what you do in life that will become regrets, it’s what you don’t do that you may one day regret. So live your life how you wish and follow your dreams. Even if they don’t work out how you planned, you tried and that’s important.
- Don’t be afraid to try new things. Embrace life and all it has to offer, take risks. Regularly step out of your comfort zone and enjoy life.
- Don’t be afraid to fail. Don’t be afraid to work hard.
- Don’t fear failure just do your beat and be honest
- To not be afraid of making a mistake coz they only live once.
- Do not let the fear of either success or failure keeps you from action, for failure is necessary to success.
- Never be afraid to try. Believe in yourself. Know it’s okay to fail. Get back up again and again. Accept defeat. Move on or work harder, but never quit.
- Don’t be afraid to take risks or be afraid of people be open to all
- Never be afraid of change, trust your decisions. There are many opportunities in life and with those opportunities come risk. That is the one reason why people often accept being complacent because it is what they know and are comfortable with doing. But that complacent will leave you wondering “what if” for the rest of your life. Take chances and see where the road wills lead.
- Its always better to fail at an earlier stage of live than at a later stage. Don’t be afraid to fail.
- Defend yourself against bullies, but use your logic, not your anger. You are different, but not less. This is all temporary and you will rise above it all someday. Now go, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes, but cherish everyone you meet because they will shape who you are, even if their intentions are negative.
- Don’t let the thoughts of others and your doubts hold you back. Everyone has fears and they live in a sheltered place to keep themselves safe. They’ll say you can’t do something, that you shouldn’t follow your dreams; because when they failed, they quit. So, now because they tasted failure, they gave up, and they think that because someone fails, that dream’s impossible to reach. But it is not. you just try again a different way until you reach your dream.
- Don’t be afraid to take a chance due to the possibility of failure. There are so many chances just waiting to be taken that people don’t go for because they are afraid of failing or don’t think they are qualified for. TAKE THE CHANCE. You’ll never know if you never try. And if it doesn’t work, try again. You’ll learn and grow from the experiences, and that makes life worthwhile.
- Don’t settle for good or mediocre. Don’t be afraid to take risks and shoot for greatness. Don’t be conformed to what society considers to be success. Be who you want to be and don’t take no for an answer. I think too many people give up on their dreams and settle for an average life. We are capable of much more than we give ourselves credit for. We need to change our thinking and can’t let other people’s opinions weigh us down.
- Do things that you want to do, make mistakes and learn. don’t regret not having done something because of fear
- Don’t be afraid to fail. Live fearlessly and follow what you love to find your path.
- Take every chance you get, and seize it. Don’t be afraid to fail, everyone does. Be your own person, don’t let anyone tell you what they want you to do. Chase your dreams and they will come true.
- Do not let your own fears prevent you from trying new things. Allowing fear to overly influence your decisions is life-inhibiting. Take more risks, do more of the things you enjoy. Do not be afraid to fail, or make a mistake, as you will miss out on the experience and possibly the destination of where it may lead to.
- Don’t fear about uncertainly. Just go with the flow. There is no failure, you just found 10,000 ways that does not work out. Just do it while you can. We are here to experience things in our life in order to live to fullest. If you have a goal just follow it. You can achieve anything you want.
- Don’t fear making mistakes, they are what take you farther, than being too afraid to try at all. Mistakes come in all forms! But they contain valuable experience and an excellent learning outlet. So don’t fear trying! Or making mistakes.
- Never be afraid of doing something new. You never regret what you have done only what you failed to do.
- Take risks in life and to not be afraid to speak your mind and do what you want
- Do not be afraid to take a risk. Life is to short so do not have any regrets
- Never give up and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.
- If I was on death bed and had one last chance to make an impact on the world, I would advise a young adult to just do what he/she feels like and be not afraid to fail. Just try what u feel like doing and do not procrastinate.
- The best piece of advice I would give a young adult is to live and learn. By “live” I mean to go out into the world and live your life, without being held back by fears or negativity. By “learn,” I mean to not only learn work related material or academic material, but to learn from your mistakes, learn who you are as an individual. It is my theory that this is a repetitive cycle that we must actively take part in, in order to become the best human being that we can be.
- I would advise the person to always keep a positive mind and give 100% in all that they do and never be afraid to take risk
- I would tell them not to be afraid to take a risk. Follow your dreams and step out of your comfort zone to make it happen. If you live in shadows no one will know you are there so step into the light and make yourself heard.
- Enjoy life to the fullest and never be afraid to take risk. Create memories and cherish every one of life’s experiences and challenges. Don’t be afraid to do what you love to do, not what will make you the most money. Live life as if the glass is half full. Never be ashamed to just be yourself and not who people expect you to be. Live life and learn from your mistakes.
- Don’t be afraid of mistakes, but also, never hide them
- Don’t just dream, but do! make your dreams come true, take that step forward and persevere. Don’t fear failure, because you will learn from that, and the next time you won’t make the same mistake.
- Do not be afraid to make mistakes, if you do the quicker you will learn.
- Don’t be afraid to screw up, you learn from your mistakes. Life is about learning and doing what’s right for you.
- Don’t be afraid to take risks, but don’t be stupid either. Listen to your elders.
- I would say never get to comfortable where you are because if you are too comfortable you are not growing. Take the risk of change it will benefit you in the long run…you may be afraid of the challenge, however the thrill of the ride will get you through anything.
- Don’t let fear prevent you from being great! I feel fear is a strong reason we subconscious give to ourselves to not try something. If we all gave things a shot, we may fail but the upsides of gaining experience, life lessons and wisdom more than offsets the temporary failure.
- Focus on quality, leave in the moments, learn from past and mistakes, don’t fear of future.
- Don’t be afraid to take risks. Go after what you want and don’t let fear hold you back.
- Don’t be afraid of mistakes and train yourself to recover from failure.
- Listen, don’t be driven by fear. Realize that you, too, will be dying one day. Connect with others, more, and stop trying to change things you can’t change. You cannot and will not change others…be a model of goodness, and lead others into the light, and out of the shadows. Better emotions come from that model. Continually make sure you are living with no regrets. Take some risks. Not reckless risks, but smart ones.
- You are unique and your journey will be different than anyone else’s. Use what you learn in school, from family, from any other secondary source as a guide, but don’t be afraid to learn for yourself and mark your own path. Mistakes are beautiful things to make.
- Don’t believe everything that comes to you. The world is filled with liars. Being skeptical can help you avoid the lies, but doesn’t brush be afraid to also learn from your mistakes. The world is huge, and the universe is bigger so don’t take things so seriously because we are a freckle in the vast growing universe.
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