I assume small talk with subject matter experts/specialists implies that you’re talking about small topics and insignificant fluff to certain experts and specialists on a topic of their expertise. An example that comes to mind would be like talking about over-the-counter medicine to a neurosurgeon. He knows everything and he’s an expert on the subject but we’re talking about slightly less heavy details
Laughing. If you can take small talk and make someone from the general public laugh, I would think you are having a good day. Small talk can be a short impromptu way of improving a persons day. Since most small talk happens with stranger, it potentially makes the world a better place. On a less happy note, small talk opens people up to more serious conversations. If people on opposing sides like each other prior to knowing which side of the fence they are on, they might be more willing to hear the other persons viewpoint.
This is a topic that is near and dear to the hearts of my readers, researchers, and website visitors. So much so that one of them were kind enough to share their own personal opinions. I don’t claim to be the best interviewer in the world, but I do promise some good, raw, and honest answers from normal people like you and me. I do my best to NOT filter these answers, except for the bad words and hateful speech.
With that little blurb out of the way, let’s dive right into the juicy bits of (potentially) life-changing insights.
Current Topic: Small Talk With Subject Matter Experts / Specialists
‘R’ = Richard N. Stephenson (me!)
‘I’ = Interviewee (anonymous by request unless otherwise noted)
R: How would the average person out there benefit from this topic?
I: You can learn a lot from small talk. You don’t have to have serious conversations with experts to learn from them. Small talk can tell you who they are as well as teaching you things about that which they know much about.
R: How could this subject help you or someone you know change your life for the better?
I: That happened to me quite a few times. The point is this the experts that know what they are talking about. They can separate fact from fiction. And explain it in far better detail than some one who doesn’t know how. And they can show you why its that way.
R: Describe what’s so special about this topic in how it helps folks live life better.
I: Small talk with an expert is a significant part of networking and information obtaining. If an expert/specialist feels you are being respectful and have a general respect for them, they will be more willing to share their expertise with you. If you are willing to engage in a meaningful conversation with them, they are more willing to open up and give you a tidbit or advice that can help you in life.
R: Can you think of anyone that exemplifies what this topic means to you?
I: The person who is best at small talk with subject matter specialists is the person who really doesn’t care if his/her words get analyzed. This person is probably also not intimidated by anyone. A happy-go-lucky person who just wants to talk is probably the best in this situation.
R: Think back to your past friends, coworkers, and family – is there anyone who could use help with this subject?
I: A psychologist would be bad at small talk due to the fact that they would be constantly trying to analyze the person they’re talking with. A professor would be bad at small talk because they would spend too much time talking about their line of work and class. A professional sports player would be bad at small talk because they would most likely spend most their time talking about their career or themselves.
R: Please, share with us what would make this topic more prevailent in your life?
I: Being able to socially navigate a conversation with a specialist or expert in your life/career is a very valuable skill and potential opportunity for future advancement. I try to make as much small talk as humanly possible in my field (IT) because it builds a robust list of contacts that may serve valuable in the future. It has been my experience that the best way to engage in small talk concerning a specific field or discipline is to attempt to find a very relevant and potentially controversial current event in that field.After finding a news topic, I familiarize myself with it as much as possible and then bring the subject up in small talk. This allows me to hopefully elicit enough of a response from the “target” that they will engage in conversation while I can stay neutral on the subject. I can then be very agreeable and re-enforcing in the stance that they take. For example: Did you hear that Windows 8.1 will now include a start button? What do you think about that? Once my counterpart begins to respond, I will attempt to side with them or remain neutral while allowing them the opportunity to share their knowledge and find a perceived common ground.
R: What parts of the daily routine are best for making this subject more useful?
I: While respecting their time, I would stop by their area on occasion to engage them. I’d assess the popular topics of discussion among them and attempt to keep up with those topics. This would make it easier for me to identify with them and talk about things they’re interested in.
R: Tell me about an inapparopriate time to bring up this topic or use it in life?
I: An inappropriate time to make small talk with subject matter experts would be right before their services are being rendered for a legal matter. You would not want to approach such an expert before a trial date and make causal chit-chat. You could be considered trying to influence or contaminating a witness for or against you. The testimony may be thrown-out by the court and you may be given prison time as a result.
R: Is there at least one place you can think of that people should consider bringing this into their daily lives?
I: I don’t know what subject matter experts/specialists are but I will assume they are people who excel at certain specialties, either professionally or as a hobby. In my daily life, those people are located in my office, which is a great place to make small talk – by stopping by someone’s office, or talking to them in the hallway or kitchen area. We are all in the same general field of work, each with our own specialty and expertise. Another place to make small talk with such experts is at our continuing education seminars that we are all required to attend – during breaks between speakers, we can chat for a few minutes and make small talk. I hope my answer helps you.
R: Tell us about the worst place to make this subject part of our lives.
I: The worst place to make small talk with experts/specialists would be when this person is already engaged in a task or trying to convey their experience to other people. Doing this would be very distracting and would harm their effectiveness with the group. The expert or specialist might see your attempt to engage in small talk to be unprofessional or not thoughtful, and he or she might be less inclined to provide assistance in the future.
R: Who’s someone that could gain quite a bit from looking further into this topic?
I: A group that could use help with this are a lot of the young kids, especially teenagers. They simply do not realize that getting to know these people can brighten both their lives are those of the experts. It is important to recognize that everyone is human and just because we are young does not make us any better than any other group of humans.
R: How would you recommend people get started on this topic?
I: Most subject matter specialists have a lot of insights and experiences that they aren’t asked about very often, and are more than happy to share with people who are genuinely interested in their answers. The key to making small talk with these professionals is to ask questions about areas that genuinely interest you, while avoiding obvious questions. For example, a co-worked of mine recently left her firm and went to work for the government. When I met her recently, I asked her a lot of questions about how her daily work differed from what she did at her firm. I also asked questions about what most surprised her about her transition to government employment. She was very happy to share her insights in these areas, and seemed pleased that someone was asking for her views in these areas. In turn, I got insights that should make me more effective in the future in working with the government on my clients’ issues.
R: How would you describe the most dangerous thing about this subject?
I: Belittling the experts field of interest. Acting as though one has superior knowledge to someone who has spent many years in a specific field. Talking about irrelevant data that tries to distort that information the expert might give you.
R: What’s the very next step someone should take to learn more about this topic?
I: Make sure you follow their twitter account as this is a direct line to communicate with them. When they ask questions, pose them via twitter and engage them. This can also be a springboard for an email for clarification or a direct message to them.
Thank you for reading this personal journey into becoming a better person and having a better future ahead of you. I hope you enjoyed this interview conversation and found golden nuggets you can immediately apply to your daily life.
If you’re interested in discovering how to use small talk to succeed at work, transform your introversion into a useful skill, and handle those annoying coworkers, then check out Just Say Something!.
Please feel free to share your thoughts, comments, or personal life-changing wisdom below.