When you are talking about someone who has authority over you, be it your boss’s boss or the CEO, the word small becomes relative. Anything involving a boss can have a big impact. Conversation with a superior can be fraught with peril but it can also be a great opportunity. Peril comes from the fear of saying the wrong thing; opportunity arises because you can reveal a new dimension of yourself to other. You can increase the odds of success if you prepare. Yes, actually plan out what you will say to the senior manager. This works well if you know that the CEO is coming to visit your department or if you have the opportunity chat with him at an all-employee gathering.
The most important thing about engaging in small talk with executive management is the ability to feel comfortable and at ease. Management likes to have the occasional break from office discussions too and are usually happy to engage in small talk. Just remember, even though it’s small talk and you should enjoy it, they’re still management.
This is a topic that is near and dear to the hearts of my readers, researchers, and website visitors. So much so that one of them were kind enough to share their own personal opinions. I don’t claim to be the best interviewer in the world, but I do promise some good, raw, and honest answers from normal people like you and me. I do my best to NOT filter these answers, except for the bad words and hateful speech.
With that little blurb out of the way, let’s dive right into the juicy bits of (potentially) life-changing insights.
Current Topic: Small Talk With Executive Management
‘R’ = Richard N. Stephenson (me!)
‘I’ = Interviewee (anonymous by request unless otherwise noted)
R: How would the average person out there benefit from this topic?
I: Executives in an organization may not even know you exist unless you do something that stands out in their mind. Approaching an executive, for example at a party, and taking part in some small talk makes the executive aware of you, especially if you say something interesting. You don’t even have to say anything interesting, just enough so that when you walk away, the executive knows what you look like. Perhaps one day down the road this executive will interview you for a promotion, or make a recommendation. That one, small conversation could be the difference maker in determining whether or not you get that promotion. Besides, it never hurts to be nice. At the very least, you’ve developed contact with someone you may need on your side some day.
R: I’m wondering, what do you think about this subject is so important now-a-days?
I: Working with management, and getting ahead in business, is more about relationships than anything else. To that end, taking time to talk, even “small talk,” with executive management can build those important relationships. Conversations give you a chance to get to know management, find out what they find important, and let management get to know you as well. This can go a long way to improving your chances of success.
R: Improving those around us is a key concept in life-optimization – how does this topic fit in?
I: Small talk with executive management is important for middle management and the regular workforce. First, knowing the executives on a personal level helps put a “face to the name”. You can then see the executives are regular people also. It also is a good time to show the executives your worth to the company.
R: Who out there is a good example of using this subject to the fullest?
I: It would be those employees who don’t have the proper qualifications for there job and are faking it. They use the small talk to try to make other peers have a sense the executives re there friends so the peers won’t rat them out. They also are trying to use the small talk to build a relationship with executives to use that to help hide the fact they can’t actually do their job.
R: If you had to pick who’s the worst at this subject, who would it be?
I: People who are lowest on the corporate ladder. If a CEO of a grocery store came in and talked to the cart pushers the cart pushers might try to sound more intelligent than they are. They might also put their foot in their mouth when talking to the CEO trying to impress them.
R: Think of your daily routine – how does this topic fit into the overall scheme of things?
I: I will always start off by asking them how their day is going. Depending on how long I have been working with them I may take that farther by asking how their family is doing or any other recent events. More often than not I like to use humor. This gets them in a relaxed state and can relieve their stress. One of my favorite jokes to say to them is after they ask me to do something I will tell them “only if you give me a raise first”.
R: When is a good time to bring this topic into your life?
I: Small talk can be made when in any public setting. Also when passing each other in the hallway but only if it is apparent that the other person is not busy or on their way somewhere important. Small talk can even be made at the beginning or end of a meeting or any other no official gathering.
R: Are there any times when you think it is a bad idea to bring this topic into our lives?
I: When using the restroom, one shouldn’t engage in small talk with anyone. Talking to others while using the restroom only creates awkward feelings. Executive management has to use the restroom just like everyone else. Let them use the restroom in peace, you can have your small talk with them in a more appropriate place, such as the water cooler.
R: Where can regular people like you and me plan to bring this into our daily routine?
I: The best place is clearly at work. You don’t want to try and talk to them at their house or anything like that they will find that to be very annoying. Just try and find some part of the day where you can talk with them in a casual manner and they will make that part of their day as well.
R: Where is a really bad place to start working on this topic?
I: I think the worst place to make small talk with executive management would be at a happy hour or party out of office hours. The alcohol is flowing and you are likely to say something you will regret later. Do not party with executive management. You will say or do something detrimental to yourself.
R: In your opinion, who out there could use a little more help with this subject?
I: The group that could definitely use more help with executive management small talk is the entry level employees. They usually do not have enough time or experience to feel comfortable speaking to executive management. Entry level employees often have so much to contribute but do not feel comfortable approaching or making small talk with her level executives.
R: Got any advice for us on this topic? The readers are hungry!
I: The best way to have small talk with them would be to be very friendly as a employee but you also have to prove your better than the average worker. If you can establish yourself as above average then you will notice higher ups will be more excited to talk with you. They will also begin to seek you out as possible advisers when they have an issue that might affect you or the others you work with.
R: Please, let us know what you think is the biggest problem related to this topic?
I: I would avoid discussing things that could cast a negative light. Personal things that are would arise controversy. However, judging what is appropriate to say during small talk with executive management would vary depending on the individual personality of the manager.
R: So what’s next in the journey to be better at this topic?
I: One small thing you can do – and I do this at my job – is just saying good morning on your way in when you pass by an upper level boss. Just commenting on the weather or how was your weekend or some such pleasantries and being up beat can endear you to them. If you act or put off airs that you are happy to be there, then they will be happy back to you.
Thank you for reading this personal journey into becoming a better person and having a better future ahead of you. I hope you enjoyed this interview conversation and found golden nuggets you can immediately apply to your daily life.
If you’re interested in discovering how to use small talk to succeed at work, transform your introversion into a useful skill, and handle those annoying coworkers, then check out Just Say Something!.
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