Have you ever been to a science or fine arts museum? There are displays and things to look at around every corner. Some really strike a chord with you and some just bounce off. No biggie, right? You wouldn’t expect everything in there to tickle your fancy. But you would consider it a good day out on the town, right? You can see it as a good exploration through things new to you.
Take the same approach to this website and the ideas here. Not every piece of information will hit home when it comes to your personal life. I’m not in front of you at a coffee shop hearing you share your every hope and desire. I can’t possibly tailor this website for the infinite character that is in everyone.
I aim for what works best for most folks. A lot of the information, exercises, and ideas I use here over the years will be new or just a different take on the familiar. I don’t expect all of what’s presented here to make an impact on everyone. I do know that at least one thing on this website will change your life forever. What I don’t know is when.
Keep your eyes open for that one thing. Tune your ears, your attention, and your curiosity toward finding at least that one thing. I have a sneaking suspicion you’ll find much more, but let’s focus your curiosity on finding the big one for now. Open your mind and rekindle your childhood curiosity.
Have your mind on how the information here can help you, instead of how it can’t. I think you’ll be surprised with the results, but then again – you might not be surprised at all. Give it a shot, and expect the best.
Let’s keep on blogging and keep on growing.
What do you expect to get out of this website?
Photo by: lrargerich |