Make it or break it – it’s all in how you play the game and take the results.
[This is Part # 19 of a 20 Part Series to Improve Your Strengths] — Take the Strengths TEST | Photo by: LifeSupercharger |
Quote: “Visionary people face the same problems everyone else faces; but rather than get paralyzed by their problems, visionaries immediately commit themselves to finding a solution.” -Bill Hybels Definition: “a person with unusual powers of foresight”
I was a lonely nerd in middle school. Off on my own little table eating my Salisbury-steak – mashing my fork into watered powder they called potatoes. Never really looking up at anyone. Just kind of waiting for this time to go by so I could get back to learning.
I never really looked forward to lunch or such social times. I never expected any good from those moments. I did expect to get some useful tidbits in the next class and to be able to use them when I got home.
I expected to learn. I did not expect to socialize and dilly-dally. I had my mind set on getting the most out of the teaching available. I had only one thing on my mind. I had expectations. I had a clear goal in mind.
Focus, ambition, drive, passion… they are all but parts of a greater strength to improve. They all help you bridge the gap between now and your vision.
Prepare and Keep Your Mind Open
In life, we don’t get what we want – we get what we expect.
I think you just blazed through that so let me say it again. WE DON’T GET WHAT WE WANT – WE GET WHAT WE EXPECT.
Sorry for yelling but it really is a big deal. There’s neurological magic that happens when you have that vision in mind, no matter how ambitious. If you expect to fail, then guess what? You will. If you expect to win, then you’ll do what it takes to get there.
Self. Fulfilling. Prophecy. Sounds fancy, eh? It means exactly what you just read through. You will get what you want if your mind is open enough to let it in.