Keep looking for ways to practice speaking and you’ll be a master in no time!
Here are some of the 10 Most Common Excuses for not doing any type of public speaking deal. Are you guilty of any of these?
10 Excuses For NOT Making a Presentation, Speech, or Video
01. I don’t know anything. [Yes you do!]
02. I need to lose 10 lbs first. [Stop saying ‘lose’ & no one but you cares.]
03. I get too nervous. [Stop, now.]
04. People will laugh at me. [Laugh w/them.]
05. I’ve never done a talk before. [At one time, you never walked before.]
06. I know I won’t do it right. [What is ‘right’? You aren’t perfect. Just try.]
07. I don’t feel well, and I’m sure I’ll feel bad on the day of the presentation. [If you wish it… STOP it!]
08. I don’t have enough time to prepare. [Work expands to fill the time available.]
09. I was humiliated on stage when I was young. [You’ve grown up – keep at it.]
10. I’ll die if I have to give a speech. [Not unless you’re assassinated by a mobster.]
So STOP doing and saying those bad things and DO IT NOW!
For more information, check out the following book (Ch. 10, Page 119 & 120):
Public Speaking and Presentations Demystified
Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 1 edition (December 14, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 007160121X
ISBN-13: 978-0071601214