It is back. Yes, it is time for the dreaded annual employee self evaluation once again. There are many different evaluation forms that employers may use during an employee’s annual performance review that can seem intimidating to an employee.
I’ve even struggled before with what to write in my evaluation after the many years I’ve been filling them out. After all, how many different ways can you discuss your strengths and weaknesses each and every year? It was a whole heck of a lot easier once I had a few more tools to help the process… but more on that later.
How to Do a Self Evaluation
What is the best way to complete the evaluation without pulling out all of your hair? One way I like to look at it is to consider that a self evaluation can be an important tool in communicating my expectations and goals to my employer. After all, even the best employer is not a mind reader and may need you to communicate your expectations with them.
It’s a lot like when your mom used to ask you to clean your room. If your idea of what a clean room looks like differed from what your mom’s idea of a clean room was, you probably got in trouble. However, if you communicated with your mom your idea of what a clean room looks like, she was probably more likely to explain her expectations were in regards to your room.
Similarly, there are times where your ideas about how the job should be performed are different from your employer’s expectations. The employee self evaluations help to communicate your ideas about your job to your employer who may be surprised by something that you have provided. Your employer can then take the information you have provided and communicate their expectations with you based on your feedback.
Are Your Sure You’re Doing it Right?
How do you make sure that you are providing the best information to your employer in your evaluation?
First of all, be completely honest and open. Most evaluations will ask you what your weaknesses were during the past year. Tell your employer about the areas where you struggled during the past year. Choose up to three weak areas that you can work on during the coming year.
Next, the evaluation may ask you to list your strengths. As discussed with weaknesses, it is important to choose up to three areas where you felt you were strong this past year. Explain why you think they are your strengths and how these strengths can help you to meet your goals during the coming year.
Finally, choose three realistic goals that you can work on during the upcoming year to improve on your weaknesses and enhance your strengths. Sharing your goals and potential weaknesses through the information you are providing in the evaluation, will help your manager be aware of the challenges you face.
This may also give your manager the opportunity to provide you with ways that you can achieve your goals and be more productive through the coming year.
If the evaluation asks you to discuss what resources you feel you need to reach your goals during the next year, do not be afraid to write them down. If it involves training or certifications that will make you a more productive employee, most employers are more than happy to provide those opportunities. However, they need to know that you want the opportunities.
View Your Evaluation Time as a Step Forward
Remember when you are handed your employee self evaluation: it’s not an obstacle to get past, but an opportunity to share your plans for the next year. It is also an opportunity to ask your employer for the tools that you need to achieve your annual goals and be as productive as you can be.
Please do not be intimidated by the prospect of completing the evaluation; use the evaluation as an opportunity for growth and feedback from your employer.
If you’re looking for quick, practical, and easy ways to get greater insight on your own skills, strengths, personality, and weaknesses, then try the Jungian type test or the strengths finding test. You’ll be well ahead of the curve in less than 6 minutes.