A firm hand shake, a keen smile, and positive body language… this man is ready to finagle some cash!
[This is Part # 7 of a 20 Part Series to Improve Your Strengths] — Take the Strengths TEST
Quote: “The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.” -William Morris Definition: “skill in persuading people to buy;”
Maybe you’ve never bought a car before, but I can remember the last time that I have. There is no real way to pretty up with this less than favorable event that happens to most people on a regular basis.
I mean, you show up, you’re looking for something that is basically part of your livelihood, putting yourself on the line, super vulnerable, and wanting nothing more than for this entire event to be over with. And then here comes that trained, overly enthusiastic, commission motivated go-getter.
You have every basic guerrilla marketing, bad salesmanship technique thrown at you and you feel pretty doggone dirty after about 3 hours of this finagling. Is this what we’ve come to believe what sales transactions are like?
Well, I say funk that... let’s work on some salesmanship guidelines so we do not have to resort to petty techniques.
Build a genuine relationship with those you are dealing with
For the longest time I’ve hard time talking to my neighbors. I just didn’t feel that the relationship I started out with was very genuine. You know, the wave here and there with a run into the garage and that was pretty much the whole transaction.
Now this may be more of a sociability thing than a salesmanship thing. My point being, because I did not feel I had that genuine-ocity or sincerity in dealing with the relationship, I didn’t feel propelled or motivated to continue on as it just felt a little too funky. This is about how I feel at dealerships.
As I am now doing with my neighbors, you really have to put your heart and soul and true interests in other people, from their point of view, before you can expect any type of human interaction of a favorable mention. You have to put yourself in their shoes, so to speak. This may be easier said than done. Let’s try something, shall we?