When the sky’s the limit – sometimes you have to find a new way to get what’s thrown your way!*
[This is Part # 1 of a 20 Part Series to Improve Your Strengths] — Take the Strengths TEST
Quote: “You can always find a capable helping hand at the end of your own sleeve.” -Zig Ziglar Definition: “the quality of being able to cope with a difficult situation”
Resourcefulness – your ability to deal effectively and efficiently with new situations, problems, and issues. But is it really a strong point for you?
Think of the last time you had a really quick turn-around project or assignment to work on, you were low on funds, and you just found out you’d be able to secure a pair of tickets for that thing you love if it was any other day.
How did you feel? No really… were you anxious, sweaty, worked-up, jittery, excited, tired, flustered, and ready to throw in the towel?
Or… did you take in a deep breath and proclaim a big, “LET’S DO THIS, SUCKA!!!” …or something to that effect.
Resourcefulness is a key core value that will determine whether or not you can get stuff done on-time and on-budget…. whether it’s a multi-million dollar deal at work, your latest entrepreneurial venture, or a date-night with your boo.
Let’s work on this skill together and start making some more resourceful people, okay?
Take time to list as many solutions to a problem as you can find
Too often people will be confronted with a problem and just steam-roll through to completion using the tried-and-true method. …and why not? It worked before, and by golly it’ll work again!!!
That is unless you’re trying to fax your 137 page report to a client 5 minutes before it’s due instead of having it scanned and emailed in less than 2. Not a situation you want to be in because that “new fangled internet thing” is “just a fad.”
Ask others for their insight to solutions for problems
Yes, yes, we all know getting down on our proverbial knees to ask others for help is usually more humble-pie than we’d probably care to eat on any given day. Get over it already… now.