Photo by: TheDarkThing |
Now, my wife might disagree with me, but I’ve grown a lot since I was a little one. I can look back and see that I had a certain type of personality then. Sure, some of it has remained unchanged, but a large portion of it has matured and transformed.
I like to think it’s all been for the better. But that’s not the point. The meat of the matter is – the only constant in life is change. You start out trying to figure out the world, then you turn your focus on other people, and eventually end up trying to figure out yourself.
You already know change is a life-long process. It’s one of those things that’s been so close to your nose you can’t smell it anymore. But it’s there – oh how it’s there.
Recognize and accept that change is a necessary part of life. If it wasn’t, then you’d still be in diapers. Then again, things change and you’ll probably end up in them later.
Change happens. Might as well make sense of it and profit.
Not Everything Will Make Sense Now, But it Will Soon
I distinctly remember the time I learned about negative numbers when I was a child. I was at a friend’s house, admiring his gigantic Lego city, when he started talking about his older brother’s math class. He was learning about positives, zero, and then some mysterious beast I’ve never heard of.
He said his brother was learning numbers that were… BELOW ZERO. WHAT?!?!
I immediately dipped into defensive denial mode. I told him he was a liar and wouldn’t hear any more of it. This piece of information was so outside my realm of understanding I was paralyzed. I went home the biggest doubter of “higher math” this side of 6 years old.
Less than a few years later, it all made sense. What I didn’t understand then, though deeply planted inside, meant a whole lot later. That seed of a thought was finally nurtured and grew into a tree that lead to Project Engineering for NASA.
Not everything you experience on your personal change adventure will make sense the first time around. That’s perfectly fine. Commit to go into what you experience with an open mind. Accept all that you can, to the degree that you are able. Nothing less – nothing more.
Free your mind and the rest will follow. It’s the En Vogue thing to do.
While you’re freeing your mind, pop over and take a free online personality test or two.