I have this weird habit of putting big lists of things together in Excel spreadsheets. Okay, to be fair, this usually only happens when I’m on a boring telecom, need a break from some other task, or want to see how much stuff can flow out of my mind. But still – it happens.
Another weird thing about this funky habit of mine is I tend to keep these files forever. A bunch of old CD’s collect dust in one of those folding leather case things taking up closet space.
I decided to crack the case the other day and see what interesting things would pop out. I guess it’s like going through that old shoebox of nick-nacks you had as a kid – neat and nostalgic. Do people still use shoeboxes for stuff?
The Spreadsheet of DOOM!
I ran across a spreadsheet with the filename “Things I’ve Learned” dated almost a decade ago. Oh this has to be a gem, I’m thinking.
So I yank the thing off the CD and drop it on my desktop, eagerly waiting to see what’s inside and hoping Excel 2010 doesn’t throw a fit.
Oh boy. Now, don’t get me wrong, there are some very useful lessons in the list. But oh my… I had some ideas that were a little wild, naive, and well a wee bit silly. But talk about a fun little gem-list to run across!
I hope you don’t mind, but I have to share it. Read it over light heartedly, please. This is from when I was in my early twenties, single, no kids, not a go-getter self-help dude, yet, and didn’t have any real direction in life. Check it out – it’s okay to smile for whatever reason you come up with. Thank you.
98 Life Lessons Learned
Ready to run through the list? Here goes…
- Try to help those in need, if they desire help.
- Some folks will always need another pair of shoes. Accept it, and move on.
- No one will share your same exact thoughts and mental processes.
- Sometimes it is better to admit defeat.
- You have nothing to prove to anyone.
- Always let the aged and women into and off the elevator first.
- Treat all women like sisters and mothers – respect and familial love.
- Always open doors for the aged and women.
- Always put on another pot of coffee if you get a cup when it is near empty.
- Always listen to what your parents say.
- Always consider your parents’ requests.
- A flower is a perfect gift for no particular occasion at all.
- Do not say “I love you” unless you truly mean it.
- Always give your seat up for the aged and women.
- Walk side-by-side people you are accompanying, if at all possible.
- If in a relationship, do not put yourself into a temptation filled situation.
- If in a relationship, tell your partner everything – they will eventually find out anyway.
- The longer you wait to tell someone something, the longer you live with the weight.
- When a woman wants to dance, you dance.
- Always offer guests a drink and snack – including the cable installer.
- Always put the toilet seat down.
- Always flush the toilet after you are done with it.
- Don’t microwave your food in plastic containers.
- Use natural sugar over an artificial substitute, or look into natural alternatives.
- Invested in a drinking water filtration system – small change for better health.
- Tea Tree essential oil will dry up blisters/puss-ridden soars in less than a day.
- Make sure your automobile oil filter is changed every time, regardless of who does it.
- Do not buy any Mitsubishi vehicle based on the 4G63 engine. Ever. Seriously.
- Do not buy any new model/first year model vehicle, regardless of make.
- Boots never fit right the first 2 weeks.
- Do not download illegal software/music – it is not worth it.
- Never lie – the piper has to be paid sometime.
- There is truth in most jokes.
- Never trust a well-off person with extremely crooked teeth.
- If someone is invading your sphere of comfort, let them know or they will continue.
- Never park in a handicap parking spot unless you are medically recognized as handicapped.
- No video game is more important than your loved ones and health.
- If it isn’t broke, it probably will be when you can’t afford to fix it.
- Do not marry someone unless you will be with them for life.
- God love is always present.
- Always say a morning prayer.
- Always give thanks to the Lord.
- Not every question has an answer you’ll like.
- Not every person really wants to get to know you better.
- Never buy $3 sunglasses – you’ll get your money’s worth.
- Take the sun seriously – your skin protects much more important things than you realize.
- Always cover your mouth when you yawn, cough, and sneeze.
- Always say “God Bless You” when someone sneezes.
- Never let anyone drive drunk or when very upset – results are similar.
- A woman’s “yes” should be taken as “maybe.”
- A woman’s “no” should be taken as “no.”
- A woman’s “maybe” should be taken as “yes” when it comes to help & kindness.
- Some people will be your friend for as long as they need you.
- Never shake a woman’s hand with a firm grip.
- Always shake a man’s hand with a firm grip.
- For used car values, call the bank to see how much they will loan.
- Stay away from Homeowner’s Associations – Civic Clubs are better.
- You can lean a refrigerator on its side, but it needs to be vertical 24hrs before use again.
- Tell you loved one she looks beautiful, never big or fat. Don’t lie, see the beauty.
- Everyone has beauty whether you choose to see it or not.
- Drinking too much alcohol is never a good thing.
- Smoking cigarettes is never a good thing.
- Doing illegal drugs or abusing prescription drugs is never a good thing.
- Kids will never understand what “no” means if you keep saying “yes.”
- You should help make your boss right – especially in meetings.
- Sometimes you just have to do the work, whether it pleases you or not.
- You should stand up for yourself in such a way as to be respectful to all parties.
- When speaking of something someone did wrong, use the passive voice.
- An elderly person never says anything useless – find the truths.
- Unspoiled children and those with mental ‘retardation’ see the world through clean eyes.
- The television is hardly ever correct.
- Never strain your back too much – a little pain now will be a lot of pain later.
- Do not start shaving unless you want to shave for the rest of your life.
- If you’re married and shopping for furniture, buy a comfortable couch.
- If newly married, plan on never seeing any of your decorations ever again.
- Do not ever assume you know what a woman is thinking.
- If a woman is unknowingly exposed, let her know in a private & respectful manner.
- If a woman is purposefully exposed, ignore her.
- No unprovoked fight is ever worth the win.
- No pepper is too hot for the person that likes hot peppers.
- Do not drive like a maniac.
- Get your automobile tires changed as soon as they no longer hold ground.
- Everyone washes a new car regularly for the first 2 months.
- If possible, try not to kill living creatures – out of house is out of mind.
- “I’m sorry” is so much easier to say than “Come back, please!”
- No fellas, it’s never “her loss” – ever.
- Treat a woman as if you want to get to know her personally and not sexually.
- Chances are that if a woman has a guy friend, the guy likes or liked her in some non-plutonic way.
- Brass won’t cause a spark if panged with or against other metals.
- Learn to be a good listener – people can tell when you are just trying to survive.
- Learn to be helpful and patient while shopping with anyone else.
- Be able to put your foot down when absolutely necessary.
- Do not lose sleep over the small things in life gone bad.
- For every bit of trouble you overcome, God will reward you with at least twice as much good.
- There is nothing wrong with asking for a triple scoop of Joy.
- Never make fun of anyone’s accent or speaking ability.
- If there is a big brown mole on someone’s face, chances are they already know it.
- This list will probably be either irrelevant or embarrassing (or both) in a decade.
The List, It Ends Now!
Okay, okay. So I added the last one just yesterday. But I think it’s fitting and relevant. :)
That was fun. Pardon me while I have some more old CD’s to rummage through. Maybe I can find the secret to life or something. Or a killer gumbo recipe. Either way works.
Photo by: Simon Davison |