Success in your job… what does it mean to you?
Do you care about the things that are going on when you are at work or are you just trying to get by? I know that I am more interested in being successful when it comes to the things I like to call my job. You just need to focus a bit better on the aspects of your working environment that best suit your needs.
Don’t look TOO far into the future when it comes to how you perceive your success as you can never really be too sure what will happen in 50 years or so. However, make sure you are intimately familiar with what you think will happen in the next decade or so. You can secure your future now with a new way of thinking about your job.
Not just a job anymore but rather, your CAREER.
Getting your career on the fast track is the path to success. That track, like a train, will guide you to that goal in 50 years… you need to lay down the foundations to get there. Sure, there may be roadblocks or hurdles along the way, but there is nothing you cannot achieve if you really set your mind to it. Just get your mind and habits in order and the things will come along a bit better.
Do you know that motivation is a big factor when aligning with your goals and your success? You need to have your motivational items in order. Rightly ordered and aware in your mind… do you have this already? Do you know what it is you really want? Well hurry up and get it in order! You then apply those motivations to your goals and things just start falling into place.
I am about to present to you some notes I took while taking a training course on fast-tracking your career. I think you will find these as useful as I did and I can’t wait to see how your life improves by focusing more on the items that will help guide your job into the future. Remember, success is what you make of it and YOU are the only one that can make it.
So make it already and be successful! There are people counting on you and dog-gone it… you are special! Lol So anyway, check out the responses / notes below and see what you think. Please share your thoughts and ideas on the subject.
Enjoy the notes below:
==[ Today’s Business Environment ]==
Always do tasks / assignments that have value — add value to all tasks.
– Get the job done before the deadline
– Do each assignment accurately
– Add something ‘extra’ to the final product or presentation
==[ New Loyalty ]==
A paradigm shift has occurred regarding loyalty in the company: it’s no longer about job security – it’s about your career security.
– Productivity: keep producing quality work and your place will be safe as long as the actual position is safe. The days of just showing up and staying busy are gone.
– Teamwork: be a good team member.
– Get the Job Done: Period.
– Job Hopping: what once was frowned upon is looked at as a sign of experience, assuming your work ethic is rightly ordered.
Working in this new Career frame:
– Find out what needs to be done and just do it. Identify the needs and present the solution
– Build and maintain a list of accomplishments. Add value to all tasks to make them worthy of your accomplishments list.
– Market yourself whenever possible. Don’t be pushy or too forward, but get yourself out there and let people know what you can do.
Working from Home:
– You must have discipline to succeed.
– Consider only doing work at home on a part-time basis (ex – only 3 days a week)
– Make a detailed schedule and stick to it
– You will lose out on many opportunities to market yourself just by not being at work
– Get on important and relevant email distribution lists and stay in the loop
==[ Know Yourself ]==
What’s my motivation?
– Money vs. recognition?
– Being an expert in one area vs. opportunity for new challenges
– Influence over others vs. service to others
– Teamwork vs. Solo work
Motivation helps:
– Determine and achieve long-term goals.
– Choosing which mid-range goals to accomplish first
– Creates incentives to achieve short-term goals
Ask for What You Want:
– Be sure to ask at the right time (i.e. – not after a bad performance review)
– Focus on your accomplishments
– Demonstrate your relative worth
Showcase Your Strengths:
– Combine strengths with motivators to set highly achievable goals
– Volunteer for assignments that showcase your strengths
– Combine strengths to supercharge your career
Address Your Weaknesses:
– Identify your weaknesses
– Correct what can be corrected
– Compensate for what can’t be corrected
==[ Identify Options ]==
Move Up:
– Stay abreast of job posting and jump on them right away
– Always work on your training and career development
– Know formal and informal company rules about job changes
Move Over:
– Moving laterally within current department
– Moving laterally to another department or division
– Take a demotion to a position more aligned with goal achievement
Move on:
– Ethically conducting your job search while still employed (do it on your own time!)
– Continue to do your best work until you leave
– Don’t burn any bridges on the way out
==[ Making a Promotional Plan ]==
Creating Your Promotional Plan:
– Cross check goals against each other to make sure everything is aligned with overall plan (monthly)
– Challenge all aspects of your plan / goals on a regular basis (monthly)
– Expand your network on contacts to support your plan
Keep Yourself Going: Make sure your goals:
– Incorporate personal reasons and not them just being the “next logical step”
– Add personal value
– Are attainable
Thank you so much for reading. Have any tips I can add?