The world passes by – remember to look at it from a fresh perspective: always.
[This is Part # 10 of a 20 Part Series to Improve Your Strengths] — Take the Strengths TEST
Quote: “When all think alike, then no one is thinking.” –Walter Lippman Definition: “the creation of something in the mind”
You know the earth beneath you is hard, cool, and ready to support you through all of your afternoon relaxations. It teams up with the gentle fingers of grass that ever-so-kindly bend way to guide your journey.
Stretched out, a caressing breeze gliding over your exposed skin, rustling leaves still clinging to their branches, you crack your eyes open just a tad to catch a glimpse of the mid-day sun beaming on you. Your vision is flooded with light, making real the rays of warming sunlight engulfing your body.
After some gentle adjusting, and a few more lung-fulls of the absolutely sweetest smelling wildflowers, you begin to focus on the puffy shapes slowly marching across your path… those giant sky-marshmallows tempting you to rest your head upon their billowy goodness.
But that’s not all they are… to the left is a saxophone… up and to the right is a dragon burping a fiery gasp… down and on the same side is the nicest bucket of buttery popcorn… waiting to share a piece or two of its crispy goodness.
You are more creative, innovative, and alive than you’ll ever be consciously aware of… and this is fine. Let us strengthen what we can of your innovative spirit on this “how to” down innovation lane. Yes!
Look For Creative Ways To Solve Simple Problems
I think you can agree with me when I say that it’s hard to tell if we’re really good at something unless you have some basis for comparison. I mean, am I REALLY that good at making knitted purple rhinos or is it just something I dabble in?
This goes for our ways of solving problems and everyday challenges, too. Are there some things we do daily that we may believe is “common sense” or “just plain easy”? Chances are, you’ve found the best way to do it and you might just be on to something new!
You’re innovative and not even aware! Run with this and purposefully attempt to do something you consider simple in a brand spankin’ new way.
How about a new way to wash your cat? A unique approach to cleaning a garbage disposal (that makes green volcanos! Yuck!), or what about using brainstorming methods to search for your passion?