Embrace the Learning Curve Infographic / Data Visualization!
Life is what you make of it and I would really hope more people would make more of it. That sounds a little silly doesn’t it? Hmmmm… well I wonder why the majority of people that I read about or come across seem to have the same type of story when it comes to learning a new life skill.
“I just don’t have the confidence to continue” or “I’m just not good enough and don’t see a future in it for me.”
Well, I’m here to tell you that you really do have a future in whatever you would like to as long as you have the drive, focus, gumption, and confidence to succeed.
“But I just told you I don’t have the confidence?!?!?!”
Yeah, well let’s take care of that shall we!
I am here to present to you the age old theory of the 4 Phases of Learning, but with my own filters applied to it. And I have a nice and easy to understand Learning Curve Infographic, data visualization, to present along with it. This should put the words of my rambling into a bit of a better light for you to understand.
Here’s a brief run-down of the Learning Styles & Experience Infographic:
- The Main Curved Arrow (MCA) represents the path of one’s progress regarding effort / awareness (consciousness) vs. competence / proficiency
- The Width of the MCA presents the person’s relative confidence level at that Phase of learning – the greater the width, the greater the confidence
- The Conscious Divide is the division between conscious / unconscious awareness and associated applied effort
- The 99% & 1% arrows represent the proportion of the populace that chooses to stop skill pursuit and the relatively small group that chooses to continue pursuit of the skill being learned, respectively. I opted to NOT go with Pareto’s 80/20 to emphasize the fact that one should NOT use the 3rd and 4th Phase people as a basis for comparison and that the person learning the new skill really are special & unique for continuing on.
There are some hurdles along the way to any learning process, but progression through the ranks, so to speak, is necessary to achieve the level of mastery over the skill, yourself, and your subsequent successes. You are what you define yourself as and you will know there are no limits to what you can accomplish.
I will have an eBook coming out relatively shortly to further expand on this train of thought. I really think more people would champion skills, and thereby confidence and help to the rest of the world, if they just knew they are capable of actually getting something done… and relatively simply.
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