… and I mean ‘profit‘ at the base root of it’s meaning… a gain, addition, benefit – not just financially.
I recently listened to an Audio Book:
Managing Your Goals by Alec Mackenzie ISBN-10: 0671879936 ISBN-13: 978-0671879938
I would rate this book as a decent motivator with some very useful tips – 8.7 / 14.0 Stars.
…and it had some very useful hints to help whip your life into shape. Below are my personal notes that I took while listening to this audiobook. Short, sweet, and hopefully useful.
What does success mean to you? Me: FILL IN YOUR OWN ANSWER Book: Doing your best. No matter what you do… do it to the best of your ability. Vision: Doing my best makes me happy, provides for my family, and is what I want to do!
What do I need most to achieve my vision? Me: FILL IN YOUR OWN ANSWER Book: Goals.
If money were no longer a consideration, then what would you want to do? — Really take some time to consider this question. Write down your answers when you get a chance… or make a goal to do it now!
All goals must satisfy applicable items of the following list in order to be successful:
- Written: If it is not written down or planned, then it is just a wish. You NEED goals. Commit. Do.
- Measureable: Goals must be measureable so you can determine and track your progress
- Visible: They must be visible (on a wall, chart, planner, notes, etc.). Stay on target.
- Deadlined: Provide sense of urgency, allow for proper tracking of progress. Consider a “startline”, too. (good for procrastinators)
- Participative: Include those affected and who must help.
- Consistent: Consistency with all parties involved (company, family, friends, etc.).
- Achievable: Help accomplish success without unnecessary frustration.
- Demanding: To help you achieve your best. Ask yourself tough questions.
- Flexible: What external influences could impact goals – how can you adapt?
Make a time log:
- Break down the day, step-by-step, record EVERYTHING you do and associated time spent
- Do a “realtime” log after the “estimate” log
- Compare the two and try to really think through the disconnects.
Guaranteed Time Wasters – Things You Should Actively Fight:
- Lack of written goals with deadlines – you cannot do what you cannot remember
- Indecision – gathering information without end / making a decision
- Snap decisions – want to get it done right
- Committing to too much – not enough focus on the important things – drop the less important. What needs doing? What DOESN’T need doing?
- Failure to break #1 into small, manageable parts
- Lack of specific plan of activities to meet goals
- Lack of daily priorities – you don’t know where to start
- Shifting priorities – keep #1 priority in front of you and stick with it
- Crisis management – refuse to allow every problem be a crisis
- Lack of dated, written checkpoints for all involved – need to track and keep abreast of tasks to complete milestones
- Lack of a specific plan on how to use waiting time (travel, before meetings, breaks)
- Time estimates that are unrealistically low – give yourself padding – plan properly – twice as long as you think?
Procrastination is mostly due to FEAR of FAILURE. Just do it and adapt to the outcomes.