No rocks can stop the power of unlimited flow - tap into it.
Photo by: snowpeak |
You know those times when you’re really flowing along through things? It doesn’t seem like anything can stop you. You’ve got the wind in your hair, you’re flying along, and dog-gone-it you’re going to win.
This is the phase when time ceases to exist. You seem to float above the mess of clocks, watches, and schedules… and just go. Nothing tying you to the ground. Nothing telling you what to do. Just do. Do.
You’ve in a form of existence that has been called “Flow” by some guy I can’t type his name out to save my life… (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi – thanks Google) and “In the Zone” by Sir Ken Robinson in his book The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything.”
It is in this state that we really begin to come into our true being. We slough off that mean critic on our shoulders. Hide away that sometimes de-spiriting realist that grabs on to our coats for dear life. And we finally begin to just… dream. To be… and do.
What if this state or phase could be called up, on demand? Or maybe “request” is a better way to put it. To flip some magical switch that turns off the “critical faculty” (our learned ‘filters’) of the mind and just say, “Hey – it’s time to be Me Times Three so back off world!”
I have some ideas in mind that could do this. I also have in mind some brainstorming sessions that revolve solely around coming up with new ways to flip the “Flow switch.” Open the valves. Get the juices flowing. You know – that.
Imagine what the world would be like if everyone operated in their own flow state, doing their own top strengths, and never being held back by any kind of restriction. Can you imagine such an Utopia?
I can, and do.
I really want to bring this up for folks. To make this task of coming into our truer selves more… available. I’m quite sure most people don’t even know about it. Or better said, don’t know they don’t know about it.
Awareness. That’s what I will work on first after the ideas and methods are on paper. (or bits) To get people to notice there really is more to getting things done, enjoying things, and working our best in any frame of life.
I guess you have to know the flow to go the flow.
Time to figure out how to show the flow-know.
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