Your journey will be long and full of challenges. Nurture your relationship with God and never look back!
[This is THE FOUNDATION for a 20 Part Series to Improve Your Strengths] — Take the Strengths TEST | Photo by: Michael Caven |
Quote: “It is idle to talk always of the alternative of reason and faith. Reason is itself a matter of faith. It is an act of faith to assert that our thoughts have any relation to reality at all.” -G. K. Chesterton Definition: “a strong belief in a supernatural power”
You’ve had one heck of a day. You bumped the curb on the way to work and got a flat tire. The boss got mad and “asked” you to come in for the weekend. Your computer crashed while you were deep in some unsaved Word document. And the Coffee machine broke. What ELSE could go wrong?
Well, the police officer that caught you speeding out of the dry cleaner’s parking lot didn’t care that your jacket was ripped. That ticket is going to start another spousal “conversation” at home. Oh and both kids are sick with some type of food poisoning.
Who, oh who do you turn to when the whole world seems to care so little about your strengths and so much about keeping you down?
God. Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit. Lord. Savior. Holy One. Father. Abba. I Am.
At the end of any day, your overall well-being can rest easy in a deep faith for God. I don’t pretend to be knowledgeable about many other religions. If I tried to make this work for everyone, I’d probably offend more folks than I’d try to include. So I won’t do it.
You know what your faith is. You know how it fits into your life. I will speak from my own perspective. Please make it work best with your own beliefs. I share a deep love for you all and my aim is to help you to grow. Lord willing, I will help you in whatever way I can.
Let us build on the foundation of all that we do. Let’s improve our strength of faith and become the world champions we were meant to be!
Listen Up and Increase Your Conversational Time
Remember that best buddy from High School you used to go bowling with? Fishing? Shopping? Or just shooting the breeze? How often did ya’ll interact? Something like daily or maybe multiple times a week?
How about now? Probably a lot less. How would you rate your overall relationship with that person now? The same? Less? Not friends anymore?