I recently enrolled Exposing the Learning Curve into Amazon’s Kindle Select program. Not sure how awesome the Select program is, but it did come with a nice bonus. The ability to give my book away for free! Well, for a total of 5 days in 3 months, anyway.
I’m throwing my last 3 Promotion days together this Tuesday through Thursday — midnight PST on 01/24 to midnight PST on 01/26.
The Book Pitch Intro
Sometimes you get in a rut and aren’t really sure what to do. You mope about and wonder when you’ll finally get that big break to carry you above life’s messes. What if that break never comes? Does your desire to learn end right there? It just might… unless you know where you stand on the Learning Curve.
In this revealing book, you will learn how to spot which Phase you are in, grow your way to the next level through relevant exercises, and how to strengthen your best traits in the process. Power through the learning brick-wall and take control of your future.
Why Should You Care?
- You’ll gain self-awareness, instead of blindly ramming into roadblocks.
- You’ll feel the confidence that comes with knowing what to expect.
- You’ll live the joy of rediscovering your past interests.
- You’ll learn what it takes to win next time.
- You’ll learn to do more, by being more.
What Makes This Book Different?
- You get a small piece of the “learning pie” and devour it – leaving you full of goodness. This is not the be-all and end-all to learning theory, but it’s a dang good slice.
- I’m not a fan of big words, when they’re not needed. You pay more attention to a string of small words than a blur of $1.97 words. You know them, I know them – let’s just talk.
- The time invested is small – you’ll finish this book in one evening. The lessons will endure for much longer.
For less than a can of soda (especially since it’s free), you can have new understanding to help you to the next level.
Go get it for yourself, digest it, and get ready for that ah-ha moment.
Then There Was the End – And a New Beginning
And since this post will still be here after the promotion days, I enabled loaning the Kindle eBook. Ya’ll please loan the book out as much as you’d like. Free is fun, especially if there’s learning going on.
Hope it serves you well and have a great day!