Any seed of potential, given the right drive, can overcome even the toughest obstacles.
[This is Part # 18 of a 20 Part Series to Improve Your Strengths] — Take the Strengths TEST | Photo by: Espen Klem |
Quote: “Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you believe that you too can become great.” -Mark Twain Definition: “a strong drive for success”
Sometimes it feels like the world around you is keeping you down. As if a big layer of concrete was just hurled across your entire body and the world is walking on top of it. No future in sight. No light. No chance to grow. Right?
You get one little tendril in the door and shove it in a little more. Growing, expanding, and seeking the light at the future goal’s place in your life. Driving toward, experiencing, strongly desiring what you know is yours!
That’s what ambition is all about. Get yourself right, get your environment right, and get your future in sight. The rest is just a matter of filling in the blanks. Ready to improve this strength?
Evaluate those Closest to You and Wield a Big Stick!
“Look to your left… look to your right… 2 of you in the 3 won’t be here by the end of the semester.”
Ever heard that before? It’s a little joke professors like to tell to students to unconsciously program anyone without rock-hard ambition to fail. Aren’t they sweet?
They do provide some good advice, though. Maybe we’ll flip it up a bit. Look around you. Is anyone that you hang-out with holding you back? Causing just a bit TOO much trouble in your life? Weighing you down? Blocking your vision?
I’m not talking about your spouse, kids, or in-laws. You’re blessed with them for life and you’ll learn how to work with them.
But how about your friends? Your coworkers? Neighbors? MMORPG raiders? Bar-fly brothers? 2,437 Facebook ‘friends’? Would you be able to honestly say that they help propel your life forward?
EXERCISE: Buckle up – we’re going for a ride. Put your thick skin on (I’ll put mine on as I’ll probably get flack for saying this), but it’s time to drop the heavy weights.