Your step is new with each passing moment. Be the river: moving rocks, while rocks waste away.
[This is Part # 12 of a 20 Part Series to Improve Your Strengths] — Take the Strengths TEST
Quote: “You could not step into the same river twice; for other waters are ever flowing on to you.” -Heraclitus Definition: “the ability to change or be changed”
Dodgeball. A game, I used to both love and loathe, some 20 odd years ago, and I have some very strong memories that have not left me alone.
I think everyone can somehow relate to this. You sit there in front of the wall. You know what is about to happen and you know the point of the game. You know what you have to do and that is to not get hit.
However, you never really know what the other person is going to do. You have to make split second decisions in order to save your bum. You take in what information you can, digest it, and then adapt to the situation in order to win. These are split second thoughts that must not fail!
Congratulations! You already have a fine grasp of adaptation. Now, we’ll just build on this primal instinct and turn it into something that can turn you into a champion of adaptability.
Prepare, Rehearse, and Know Your Material
Got a meeting coming up? How about an interview? How about a telemarketer call? How about an explanation to your significant other about a purchase that you’re not particularly proud of? Oops!
These are the kind of things that you can prepare for ahead of time. Does that mean they’re going to go exactly the way you planned? Of course not! But you sure as heck-fire can get ready for these things!
EXERCISE: To be safe, let’s cover the telemarketer example. Come up with a script that you can reference for your next telemarketer call. Run through the usual spiel and instead of the usual response of “no, no, I’m not interested” and hanging up, actually plan a conversation to have some fun.
By working on these really low-risk situations, you begin to build your confidence for the real thing. Of course, we don’t want to hurt any telemarketers in the process, but some of them get what they deserve!