When you're aligned with your goals, self motivation is like a magnet.
Photo by: oskay |
Have you ever seen something so fully aligned with its purpose that nothing will stop it? This thing – so focused and pointed toward its goals. Repelled by what doesn’t fit and pulled toward what does. It’s almost magical to see. It’s even more inspiring to imitate.
A magnet. A regular old piece of metal with all of its atoms lined up all nice and pretty. The end results? One side that pulls the entire bar to what it most aligned with that side. The other side violently repels what doesn’t fit. Millions of atoms working together for a common goal.
The 9 Types of Self Motivation
I know you can’t change over-night. I sure can’t either. But I do know that I can handle changing one little atom of myself at a time. And then another a few days later. Slowly building up that field of power to be pulled toward my passions.
The more you align yourself with what makes you tick, the more you’ll be magnetized to get there. You are motivated in a very specific way and you might not realize that. Your neighbors may get a kick out of being the “Joneses” while that guy at work gets his kicks off being a slave-driver.
There are 9 main self motivators that pull you toward your goals, keep you running along even at your darkest hour, and provide the energy inside to stay aligned. Here they are along with what each type might say:
- Autonomy – “I do it my way”
- Mastery – “I am excellent in my chosen vocation”
- Meaning – “I make a real difference in the world”
- Power – “I control others”
- Recognition – “I am recognized & respected by others”
- Stability – “I like to know the future”
- Status – “I have social standing”
- Teamwork – “I am a member of the group”
- Wealth – “I am prosperous”
How to Motivate Yourself in the Workplace, at Home, and in General
So how does this information apply to the real world? Simple. Do what you do, but make it work with what motivates you the most. You probably didn’t think there were a nice and tidy 9 types of self motivated people to work with, eh?.
By becoming aware of these different types, you can more closely examine your life and work. Then it is only a matter of shifting things around to align your “Pull-Pole” with the goal of the work. And putting all the crud behind you and your powerful “Push-Pole.”
For example, if you’re really big on “Autonomy” and have a bunch of “Teamwork” tasks to do, then you’re going to be working in low-gear unless something changes. How about doing the main planning of the work as a team and then assigning sub-projects to members. Work as a team, but work within your autonomous preferences.
Motivation Audit Test Coming Soon Is Here Now!
If you do this kind of realignment with what motives you most, you’ll see how much smoother your works goes. It may take an atom at a time, but you’ll get there if you keep at it. You got where you are today by a fine combination of a bunch of singular decisions. Do this again, this time properly.
I’ll have a Motivation Self-Test or Audit coming out soon. This should help pinpoint which self motivations match you best. The “homework” portion of the information you learn here is the same. It will just be easier to get the assignments with the test. In the mean-time, consider 8 ways to up your self-motivation.
Please excuse me – I’ve got some magnets to play with.