Ever get the desire to just pump yourself up for no reason at all other than to feel awesome? I do. And I hope you will, too.
You’re awesome and let me count the ways.
You’re Awesome At Work
- You help others get the job done
- You change the world by providing a service
- You provide for your needs and the needs of your family
- You are a role model to everyone you come across
- You support growth in society at large and the local community
- You can choose to make the job you do more special
- You learn patience and charity every day you try
- You can choose to have fun in all that you do
You’re Awesome by Uniqueness
- Your thoughts, at any time, are different than anyone else’s
- Your combined experiences in life can never be duplicated exactly the same way
- Your body, face, voice, and movements will never be exactly the same anyone else’s
- You are the only unique you in a world of 7,000,000,000
- Your fingerprints will never match anyone else’s
- No two perspectives on any one subject are the same
- You do things differently in words, actions, thoughts, quality, and attitude
- You are the only one who can make your own choices
You’re Awesome through Thoughts
- You choose when to have fun no matter what happens
- You can choose to accept others just the way they are
- You can like others if you really want to
- You can control your anger instead of letting it control you
- You can choose to see the potential in others, no matter what
- You can make jokes in the face of fear
- You can create anything in your mind with a little effort
- You can daydream with absolutely no purpose at all
You’re Awesome for the Future
- Your choices can be different – nothing’s set in stone
- You determine where you go, with each choice you make
- You have every reason to grow through every action you take
- You can grow others for a better future
- You can always change the way you do things
- Your mind is always able to grow, no matter how stuck you’ve felt
- Every small step counts toward your future
- You get another chance every day you wake up
You’re Awesome by Love
- Someone somewhere loves you, even if you don’t know it
- God always loves you no matter what has, is, or will happen
- You parents love you no matter what, even if they don’t seem like it
- You can love you just the way you are
- Your family loves you for who you are
- You can always seek forgiveness with a little bit of effort
- You were made from love, to love
- You can choose to show your love for others
You’re Awesome by Your Impact on the World
- You are part of the whole and the whole is forever
- You really can make a difference with even the smallest effort
- Being a role model counts for generations to come
- People see your good example when you aren’t looking
- You can enable others to do what they do best
- The more you grow, the more you can do and the more you can be
- You can say ‘no’ to the bad and say ‘yes’ to a better world
- You can set the trend for good and stop the trends of bad
You’re Awesome with Words
- You can change your words to be golden gifts
- You can choose to talk nice to yourself all the time
- You can give yourself permission to change
- You can make a lasting impact with what you leave behind
- You can choose to keep your words in, when you know they’d only hurt
- You can make another person feel special with a few short breaths
- You can block out the bad and ask of others the same
- You can program yourself for the better
You’re Awesome through Seeing True
- You can see the good in all, no matter their packaging
- You can learn to see the value in all as loving souls
- You can learn to control and handle the bad reactions
- You can clean the glass of life’s windows to see the true light
- You can look ahead and choose the right path
- You can guide others through your purposeful efforts
- You can let others know you care by the way you try
- You can see and share the smiles that come with knowing you’re awesome
Time to Be Awesome
Work awesome, unique awesome, think awesome, tomorrow awesome, love awesome, impact awesome, speak awesome, and see awesome.
Be awesome, my friends.